What’s That In The Barnyard?

There’s something in the barnyard that wasn’t there before.

Rapunzel was a little shocked.

I can't believe my eyes!

I can’t believe my eyes!

Brandy tried to hide.

No one will every be able to find me...wait, is my tail sticking out?

I’ve hidden so well no one will every be able to find me…wait, is my tail sticking out?

Doink, well, Doink wasn’t paying much attention.

You gotta love a pig that smiles when he sleeps.

You gotta love a pig that smiles when he sleeps.

Is the anticipation just KILLING YOU?

Well then, meet the Littles!

Everyone, meet Sambuca and Pumpkin. Sambuca and Pumpkin, this is everyone!

Everyone, meet Sambuca and Pumpkin. Sambuca and Pumpkin, this is everyone!

We needed a little joy in the barnyard to lift our spirits, and these two guys were just the ticket!

Sambuca. It took me about five minutes to start calling him Sammy.

Sambuca. It took me about five minutes to start calling him Sammy.

Pumpkin. Or Kenny for short.

Pumpkin. Or Kenny for short.

I’ve actually been looking at them for a while.  They came from Broken Shovels Farm north of Denver.  Andrea makes the most luscious goat cheese in the world and her coconut lime goat yogurt is so good I swoon when I eat it.  Andrea needed a good home for these two little wethers and I couldn’t resist.  She throws a great open house (open barnyard?) for visitors and even amongst all the beautiful goat mommas and little babies, Sambuca was a star!  Pumpkin was a little more reserved and preferred the company of his mom.

He doesn't quite know what to think of Doink!

He doesn’t quite know what to think of Doink!

The introductions went WONDERFULLY!  Since Brandy was so horrible when Jessie came to live with us, I was worried.  No worrying necessary. Brandy was on her best behavior.  At least for the first day.

Hmmm...who let these guys in here? LADY! Do you know some new goats slipped in here somehow?

Hmmm…who let these guys in here? LADY! Do you know some new goats slipped in here somehow?

They’re both 3/4 Nigerian Dwarf and 1/4 Saanen, born in July of last year.

Look at those eyes! They're blue and gold and crazy cool!

Look at those eyes! They’re blue and gold and crazy cool!

We’re all getting used to each other.

Here's Keela trying to give Sambuca a high-five greeting.

Here’s Keela trying to give Sambuca a high-five greeting.

They immediately chose the upper part of the shed as their “comfortable place”.  They did a little exploring of the barnyard, not much, and were stuck like glue to each other the whole time.

It's nice to have a pal in a new situation.

It’s nice to have a pal in a new situation.

Today will be full of building a new hay feeder, making the door to the upper part of the shed bigger (they’re chubby little boys!) and generally enjoying getting to know them!

It's ok, Brandy! You're still head goat in my book!

It’s ok, Brandy! You’re still head goat in my book!

On another note, I want to thank all of you for your sweet comments about Thelma.  It’s been a rough week, and the fox was back in the yard last night.  I’m working on solutions.

But for now, let’s think happy thoughts, shall we?  One last look at my Littles – that’ll do the trick!

Andrea brought them to my house in the back of a little hatchback/station wagon. How cool is that?

Andrea brought them to my house in the back of a little hatchback/station wagon. How cool is that?

(Shared at HomeAcre HopDown Home HopBackyard Farming Connection, Maple Hill Hop, Tuesdays With A TwistHomestead Barn HopClever Chicks HopHomesteaders HopSimple SaturdaysOld Fashioned FridayFrom the Farm Hop!)


  1. sarah waters says:

    Hey Joan ! I have heard that a donkey is a great livestock protector . They are wonderful with chickens, sheep and goats . I saw it on P. Allen Smith garden . So if you have room for another mouth to feed ? I think its worth a try . They are very loving as well.

    • Oh, you can’t imagine how much I would love a donkey, especially a mini! By law, I could have one. However, I’m sure the first time a donkey brayed at a predator in the night my intolerant neighbor would put animal control on his speed dial and they’d be at my front door the next morning. Ugh.

  2. They’re so cute! Hopefully that won’t cause more confusion for you until you can sort out the mess with the fox … all those new sounds in the yard with the new critters.
    Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe recently posted…Teavivre Tea for Life

  3. Love the new littles – really cute – say – would you mind me asking where in Colorado you live in? We will be moving to Colorado within the year – hopefully around Colo Springs – but in the country. Trying to get as feel for the area. Thanks CJ

  4. Cuties! I would sooooo love a goat – love goats’ cheese too! Who could resist them? Hope you get the fox issue sorted – they are only doing what foxes do but … I’ve heard that llamas make good guards as well as donkeys. My sister has chickens, and two donkeys who definitely see themselves as the protectors of more or less everyone, and although she lives in a fox haven in the UK she has not had a single chicken taken. 🙂

  5. Oh welcome to the barnyard Sammy and Kenny! Joan they are adorable and what fun additions. Happy Brandi girl is doing well with them too. perhaps adding in pairs makes a smooth entry? Oh I am so looking forward to seeing their shenanigans. Love the commentary as usual. Have a great weekend friend.
    Jen recently posted…Day Tripping Pics…

  6. LOVE the picture of the goats in the car! They’re beautiful, Joan, congratulations!

  7. How fabulous to have new members of the crew. I’m sure they will give you hours of entertainment. The goat’s milk is the bonus! Thanks for sharing on The Maple Hill Hop!
    daisy recently posted…The Maple Hill Hop 26

  8. What great new additions. We have a soft spot for Nigerian Dwarfs!
    Katie and Mark recently posted…The Birds And The Bees And The Goats

  9. Congratulations on your new family members!!
    Kathy Shea Mormino, The Chicken Chick recently posted…Flock Focus Friday, featuring an invitation to P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Retreat