Even though this is one of the gloomiest starts to the new year, we live in Colorado. There’s gotta be a gorgeous day of sunshine eventually. Thank goodness one finally showed up! I don’t know who was happier—the animals or me.
We all spent the day in the barnyard, soaking up the sun. There were chores galore for me, but being able to spend time outside with the animals was simply glorious. I am not hard to please!
The hens got to work first thing in the morning laying eggs. They’ve been laying like CRAZY. Eleven eggs in one day!

Three hens vying for the best position in the hay feeder. Lucy is pecking whoever else was down there. Ladies, what’s wrong with the nesting boxes? Really?
About midday, one chicken flew over then fence into the backyard and within seconds half the flock was in the air, too. The snow had melted in some of their favorite mulched beds and they were ready to make a mess.
The chickens loved the sun, but the goats were beside themselves with glee. Jessie and Sambuca were like kids in a candy store. Every time I looked around they were bouncing off something.
And then there was Brandy.
The chickens were flying, the goats were playing…and Doink was doing what he does best. There’s a lot to be learned from a pig!
It was a wonderful day that boosted spirits all around. We needed it. We really needed it.
Because soon the temps headed south, the air filled with moisture, and yesterday..
Doink headed back into the shed, the chickens moped around inside the barnyard, the goats munched on Christmas trees. And we all started waiting for the next day of sunshine!
P.S. I’m still keeping my eye on Miss Brandy. I’m leaning toward her being a diva over being ill, but she’s still not eating her goat chow. I bought a different feed…which she will eat out of my hand, but not the bowl she’s been eating out of for years. Trying a different bowl tonight. (sigh.)
(Shared on Farmgirl Friday, Homestead Hop, Maple Hill Hop, Tuesdays With A Twist, (mis)Adventure Monday, Thank Goodness It’s Monday, Clever Chicks, Simple Saturdays, From the Farm, Old-Fashioned Friday, Fabulous Friday and HomeAcre Hop)
Oh my I love the sunshine dance! These photos made my day – especially Brandy in her sunshine trance! Thanks for such a sunny post.
I’m sure you have wormed her, but have you treated her for coccideosis?
I asked the vet when I called and she said she didn’t think that was the problem. I’ve scrubbed all the food bowls today. Maybe my housekeeping skills aren’t up to her standards. If all is not back to normal soon I’m going to take a sample in. Today she’s acting as if she has not a care in the world, sunning herself on a stump. Very diva like, yes? 🙂
You can usually tell by the poops, if it is cocci. The berries all stick together, but I’m sure you know that.
I do, Beryl. But you keep on sharing your wisdom with me, ok? What I know would fit into your pocketbook, so I’m all ears all the time. There’s so much I don’t know. Thanks so much for your concern!
It’s been the gloomiest winter here that I ever remember! So much for Florida being The Sunshine State! So glad your critters got a good dose of it! Wishing you more days of sunshine! I hope you’ll share this on The Maple Hill Hop!
daisy recently posted…The Maple Hill Hop 63
Love all the pictures, but especially gorgeous Brandy (oh dear, I hope she eats soon), the silly Doinker pig, and the frost! Hoping for several more sunny days soon for you!
Eleven eggs a day, that’s wonderful. We are finally finishing the longest and hardest molt ever… Two of my pullets have started to lay and two of my girls who are going on two years of age… Nothing from the rest of the bunch and I hope they start laying soon. I am loving my egg breakfast though, oh how I’ve missed them.
I saw someone post about Cocci, besides sticking together you’ve find mucus and often blood. We are professionals over now with that icky stuff. (Clover is fine, thankfully.) I hope Brandi girl starts mackin’ down her chow again, maybe something happened with the bowl itself since she’ll eat from your hand?
Happy you had a sunny day and as always I LOVE the glimpse into your barnyard 🙂
Jen recently posted…Catching Up…
An egg breakfast is the best ever! I am SO HAPPY Clover is better. Makes my heart sing 🙂
Mixed results at feeding tonight. But at last check Brandy was munching on hay and looking perfectly content. I swear she just wants to be hand fed. 🙂
Isn’t it wonderful to see the sun? But it’s unseasonably mild here in Italy and everyone is worried about olive beetle again. Last year’s mild winter meant the larvae weren’t killed off and the olive harvest was the worst on record – we usually get around 100 litres and last year we had none. Not one drop.
So I know it sounds weird, but I’m hoping for snow soon. 🙂
Cath recently posted…Jan 15, Clyde – the little chicken with the big attitude.
Oh man, I’m so sorry about your olive trees! We don’t have olive beetles (because we don’t have olive trees-bummer) but we do have a pine beetle that has devastated our forests here in Colorado. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for snow for you!
Ok, seriously, Brandy and Doink are the cutest barnyard animals evvvvvver! I understand the worry goats cause, so I do hope Brandy is just being a typical ornery goat and it’s nothing more serious. I loved seeing your beautiful sunny day!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
You take such beautiful photos. I love all your critters. Thanks for sharing on the (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog Hop!