The animals have been standing in line to tell me their stories the past couple of weeks. Now they’ve started asking me why the heck they’re not showing up in the blog. I’ve had to explain that it’s summer and it is CRAZY busy (and CRAZY fun) around here. Not a lot of spare minutes to gather the thoughts and put them in writing!
While I am certainly not wistfully thinking about winter, I am wishing there were a few more hours in a summer day. I’m sure most of you are in the same boat. I’ll be telling their stories soon, but here’s why I’m behind…
The new baby chicks arrived! The hatch started on July 3rd and by the time Excellent Son Sawyer and I moved Jasmine and the babies into the nursery on the 4th all five eggs had hatched Two were small bantam eggs and those chicks are impossibly tiny and ridiculously cute. Since Rapunzel and her four teenagers were already in the nursery, Sawyer and I spent a long sweaty day building a new space for them in the unfinished shed.
Next, I’ve been loving watching Rapunzel and her growing girls. She is an incredible chicken mama. I know one day soon she is going to start rejecting them, because that’s what chicken mamas do, but I can’t believe it’s really going to happen. I take photos of them together every evening and cross my fingers it will last one more day.
We’ve had some injuries. Sweet Pumpkin broke a horn during playtime with Sambuca. This was a first for me and I’m not very good with blood. (I’m getting queasy just typing this.) The good news is the bleeding stopped quickly and it did not slow him down a bit.
The only big downer has been with poor Doinkers. He somehow, I have no idea how, apparently twisted his tiny little ankle. For three days he has been limping. And moaning. Loudly. He has no problem letting me, and everyone else within earshot, know how he feels. While I know he hurts, he does remind me of a soccer player doing a flop. He seems like he is hamming it up a bit. (Oh, a pig joke!) Thankfully the anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin seem to be working and his limp was much better at morning feeding.
On a non-animal note, we had a wicked hailstorm last night. Wicked. I’ve only had a quick look at the garden today. We’ll see if anything will bounce back, but it’s looking pretty sad. We park our cars outside, so the insurance agent has been called. Ugh. Today will be full of storm clean up. An unplanned day of exercise!
What about your summer? Have you been in the lounge chair with summer reading? Or maybe crazy busy like me? Either way, I hope it’s making you happy!
(Shared at Backyard Farming Connection, Tuesdays With A Twist, Maple Hill Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Clever Chicks Hop, Heritage Homesteaders Hop, Simple Saturdays, Farmgirl Friday, Little House Friday, Old-Fashioned Friday, From the Farm Hop and HomeAcre Hop)
Love your animal stories. I need to know when is the latest you can sneak babies under a broody hen in NE Ohio.
I’m certainly not an expert, but I’ve read that the younger the chicks, the better chance of acceptance. My mail-order chicks were almost a week old before I put them under Rapunzel. I think that’s cutting it close. Good luck!
Whoa, that hail is big, sorry to hear about the cars and garden. So happy to hear about your sweet babies and their mama. 5 for 5 is amazing!
Jen recently posted…These Lazy Days…
Awe…sorry about Doinkers and Pumpkin – and your garden! We heard it might hail…I think it was Saturday…and the kids prayed specifically that it wouldn’t hit our garden! God answered our prayers…but grandma and grandpa said we should have prayed for theirs too!
Farm School Marm recently posted…Menu Plan Monday & Chaos Schedule on the Farm
My goodness, you’ve got a lot going on! I see why you are spending time with those chicks. So sweet.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful outdoor post on this week’s Maple Hill Hop!