Ah, the personalities of my chickens.
My sweet Sofia (often called Short Beak) definitely, truly, does not want to live in the barnyard. She’s usually hanging around the gate, waiting for me to show up. Then, after I’m through the gate, she’s follows me everywhere. I give the chickens their morning scratch treat before going to clean the coop and she leaves the other hens and comes to join me. I finally started giving her a little bit of scratch while I clean to keep her out from under my feet.
When I leave the barnyard, I’m always careful when I close the gate – she’s usually got her hen-pecked neck stretched forward trying to sneak out.
She does not roost with the other hens. She sleeps with Doink.
Her best friend is Black Copper Maran hen Rapunzel. They pal around (when she’s not standing at the gate) and act for all the world like the least popular girls in high school. I don’t think she’s at the very bottom of the pecking order, but she’s close.
When I’m away from the house and Keela is inside, I let Sofia out to stroll the yard. She seems so much happier away from the other hens.
But it might be a bigger issue than simply being out of the barnyard. When I come home, she’s next to the backyard gate, looking for me. I think maybe she prefers humans to chickens.
I get it, Sofia. Sometimes I prefer chickens to humans!

On a recent outing, Sofia headed to the driveway to help Libby build a headboard. She is a very helpful hen!
(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection Hop, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, HomeAcre Hop, Down Home Blog Hop, From the Farm Blog Hop, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop and Tuesdays With A Twist!)
This is just too cute! I love that she sleeps with Doink. SO precious! Sometimes I prefer chickens to humans too haha 🙂
Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Perennial Seed Giveaway
She just tucked herself in for the night. Little bit of scratching in the straw, little bit of snuggling up next to a big ole pig butt. That girl knows what’s good!
They truly do have such different personalities don’t they. I feel for Sofie as I was not popular in high school either. Quite the loner like her. I think she would end up being a special one for me if she were one of my hens. I love that she and Boink are friends (at least a bedtime) too.
Backyard Chicken Lady recently posted…Victorio 4-Tray SEED SPROUTER ~ Product Review
She eats his food too. He is one patient pig!
One of my girls prefers people to chickens, any chance she gets she’s in the house, or searching out a lap to sit on.
Sofia is beautiful x
rachy recently posted…If I don’t look at them…
Up close she’s a bit scraggly, but in an adorable way. The back of her neck is bare. She walks slowly. She just screams, “love me!”
Aw sweet Sofia I sometimes prefer chickens over humans sometimes :). I love the pic with her and Doink, so cute! Barn buddies indeed. What a sweetie pie!
A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…This last Weekend….
We have an Isa Brown just like your Sofia. Our girl is named Poppy and she is so sweet. She follows my daughter Ashley everywhere. She is smaller than the other girls and she has a sweet curl in her tail that we call her dippity do curl! She loves to be held and sit on Ashleys shoulder and look sideways at her. She also likes to try to follow Ashley out the door! We loved your story and photos of Sofia!
My husband had a chicken that would get onto the enclosed patio and lay her eggs there. He said she would sometimes stand by the door and peck at the window.
Followed you here from The HomeAcre Hop, link up at Tuesdays With a Twist runs thru Saturday .http://yourlife7.blogspot.com/2013/07/tuesdays-with-twist-13-link-up.html
I think chickens can have distinct personalities just like people. Maybe she’s just shy 🙂 and really attached to Mom!
nancy recently posted…Happy 2nd Blogversary! Another Giveaway! 1950’s Housewife Bridal Shower Idea, Summer Video, Chicken Sculpture
Boise! My daughter went to Boise State. We LOVE Boise!
Yeah, she’s a mama’s hen. A neighbor gave her to us. She’s always been kind of a loner. Not a party girl at all 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
What a great post! I just love it. You’re also our featured post this week over on the hop. I hope you will link up again this week! Cheer~Melissa
Thank you – what an honor! See you on Wednesday 🙂
Joan Hobbs recently posted…A Goat By Any Other Name
Love your posts! I have a new chicken that loves to follow you around as well, so entertaining. Thanks again for sharing on The Home Acre Hop! Nancy
On The Home Front
Nancy W recently posted…Frugal Tips: Keeping Cool
LOVE chicken posts! We can’t have chickens in our city but we’re looking into other cities. My sister has chickens and I love to hear the stories.
YOU have been featured at Tuesdays with a Twist! Hope to see you again!
Mary@Back to the Basics! recently posted…Tuesdays with a Twist #14 is HERE!
Wow – thanks! Glad I found you. I learned a lot from everyone’s posts last week 🙂