Sambuca the Rasta Goat

We’re plugging away around here. In a good way.  There’s so much to do in spring—my garden beds were yelling at me to come plant something RIGHT NOW!  So I planted.  Now those tiny seeds are covered with a wet, wet spring snow.  They should be popping out when the sun starts shining next week, right? Or not.  I’m a horrible gardener, but I’m trying 🙂

Be patient, little seeds.  This too shall pass.

Be patient, little seeds. This too shall pass.

I’m also crazy busy with my ongoing project—creating notecards and hot pads (I know, it’s a weird combination) with illustrations from my cousin Beth and photographs of the animals. Nearing the finish line of having final designs ready for sale.  Soon, I hope!

Out in the barnyard, it’s hard not to notice Sambuca these days.  He’s looking quite…unusual.  He has some cashmere somewhere in his bloodline. For the past month he’s been looking like this…

Clumps of white hair everywhere!

Oh my, what a mess!

His fine, downy winter undercoat is coming off. Big clumps of white hair everywhere. I think they look a bit like dreadlocks.

words here

I pull it out and the next day it’s all back.

It was hot when I took these.  I’m sure it’s uncomfortable in the heat, but now that it’s snowing again he’s probably the envy of the barnyard.

It looks different every day.

It looks different every day. (Nice photobomb, Jessie!)

Ok.  Back to work for me.  Y’all have a great weekend!

Yea—what she said!  Have a greaaaaat weekend :-)

Yeah—what she said! Have a greaaaaat weekend 🙂

**Shared at Homestead HopSimple SaturdaysFrom the FarmHomeAcre Hop(mis)Adventures Monday and Thank Goodness It’s Monday**


  1. Cute pics! I could stare all day at those eyes – goat eyes are so unusual.

  2. I like the new look!
    Just think how much moisture those seeds will have to get started!
    I have faith in your gardening!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    daisy recently posted…Singer Sewing Score!

  3. Noooo – not more snow! What happened to spring? It’s nice and warm here in Italy, butthis time of year there’s still snow on the mountains and it wouldn’t surprise me if we got more too.

    Sambuca is a great name for a goat and, as Ellen says, I love goats’ eyes. So unusual.

    Enjoy your weekend, Joan. you deserve some peace and quiet. 🙂
    Cath recently posted…Apr 16, Baby chicks : when can they go outside?

  4. Awww …. I just love goats!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley
    Susan recently posted…Flash News!