Oh No, Not Again!

Chicken butts!

Chicken butts!

Sometimes it’s like a soap opera around here.  A little misbehavin’ here, a little inappropriate behavior there.  And then there’s a murder.

Back in the day when I used to watch soap operas with my grandma and grandpa (or “our show” as we called it) someone was always gettin’ killed and it was almost always an accident.

Accidental murder.  Yeah, we had one of those this week.

Things always start out fine.  The “sorority house” I built for Dolly, Loretta and Patsy was finished and ready for daytime occupancy.

Nice setup, eh?

Nice setup, eh?

The first day in their new digs was great.  Lots of pecking and scurrying around.  They seemed to enjoy the great outdoors a lot.

Back in the sorority house, there's lots of hopping up and  down on the roost.

Look at me, look at me! I’m roosting!

The next day started as one of those stunning, blue-skied Colorado mornings.  The chicks seemed excited to leave the shed and enjoy the warmth of the sunshine.  Keela was under foot when I was transferring them from the brooder box.  I carefully let her sniff each one and reminded her to “leave it” as she did.  Last one in was Dolly, who promptly pecked Keela twice on the nose.  Ouch.

I went in the house to fill their water and when I came out, yes, you guessed it, Keela had a puff of white in her mouth.  I’m assuming she was watching and her timing was perfect as a head poked out the chicken wire.  What are the odds of THAT happening?

Oh Keela.  You didn’t mean it, I know.  It was an accident.

She's the best dog in the world except for her prey drive.

She’s the best dog in the world except for her prey drive.  This is her “I see something” face.   Like a laser beam.

Deep heavy sigh.  Now Dolly is in the chicken graveyard with Scout, Cinderella and Snow White. How is it that of all the chickens I have had, I’ve only lost White Leghorns?  Weird, right?

Now it looks less idyllic, but the extra protection is worth it.

The sorority house looks less idyllic with the extra fortification.  Can you say Chicken Guantanamo?

So now we’ve got a chicken duet.  Loretta and Patsy are like two peas in a pod.  I let them out into the yard for a little photo op yesterday.  They had a blast running to and fro and scratching in the mulch.  (Keela was, of course, safely locked in the house.)

Just beginning that awkward phase.  I love it when they look crazy!

Just beginning that awkward phase. I love it when they look crazy!

Peck, scratch, peck, scratch.

Peck, scratch, peck, scratch.

I'm hiding.  You can't see me, right?

I’m hiding. You can’t see me, right?

So there you have it.  An accidental murder.  A not-guilty verdict by reason of “that’s just the way some dogs are”.  A lesson learned – by me, not the dog.  I guess this was not the finest moment of The Chicken Mama. Sorry, little Dolly.  We’ll remember ya.

They made quite a trio...

They made quite a trio…

(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Homestead Barn HopBackyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog HopHomeAcre HopLittle House Friday DIY LinkyFrom the Farm Blog Hop, and Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop!)!)


  1. Awww, that’s too sad. But of course it is just Keela’s instinct and something she is driven to do. Some dogs just have that prey drive more than others.

    I love the awkward stage the chicks are in right now. They are so cute! I love colorful chicks, but there is just something about a plain white chick too. Adorable!
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Feathered Friend Friday: More Chick Cuteness!

  2. Aw poor Dolly girl RIP. The duo left is a powerful one though weren’t they :).
    A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…Happy Weekending…

  3. I have the best dog in the world Shadow but… she will kill a chicken quicker than you can say quick! She just can’t help it. They move too fast and she’s off. We have to have the girls behind two sturdy fences at all times. I will say that Shadow keeps all other varmints off the place as well. Squirrels beware!

    • Yeah, I hear that! Keela spends her entire day watching the fence line for bunnies and the trees for squirrels. Keeps her busy! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  4. Great blog! I am sorry to hear about your loss. We had a massive tragedy in our flock overnight, but we are starting again. I’ll be focused on the garden in the meantime, to keep distracted.
    I did have a dog once who didn’t bother the chicks at all….but then he stepped on one by accident, and squished it. Not the smartest of dogs.

  5. I’m so sorry! We have cats and they get the wild birds which is sad when it’s a mama and the babies have hatched. There is no way to protect all of them all of the time.
    Kathy recently posted…Little Chick Tummy Bulge Help

  6. That’s a bummer, sorry to hear it. The lesson really is: hardware cloth is the only way to protect your chickens from all predators. It was Keela this time, but next time it could be a hawk or raccoon. They reach in through spaces as small as an inch and can pull a chick to their death. I learned that lesson at the expense of one of my first Silkies. 🙁 http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/11/coop-security-hardware-cloth-vs-chicken.html

    Thanks for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop again this week!
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
    Kathy Shea Mormino, The Chicken Chick recently posted…Flock Focus Friday,First Weekly!

  7. Oh no 🙁 I’m so sorry. We just brought our chicks home last week and we have four dogs. So far so good but we’re still in the brooder. I’m just sort of holding my breath to see how things are going to go. Thank you for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop! Look forward to having you back again tomorrow:
    Jenny recently posted…Companion Planting