If there’s one profession that I would never, ever be able to support myself doing, it would be nursing. I would be on food stamps and living in public housing because I have not a single skill set that nursing requires. More specifically, I have been passing out at the sight of blood or having a needle close to my person since I was young. Since I now have a pacemaker I don’t completely pass out anymore, but get a very, very intense head buzz.
Today, I went in the barnyard and saw that Jessie had a scrape under his eye. Nothing bad, no running blood or anything, but it needed attention. I started getting a little woozy when I dabbed the antibiotic ointment on it. Deep cleansing breaths, Joan. With Very Excellent Husband Don AND Excellent Next-Door-Neighbor Joy both out of town, I really needed to man up and get the job done. I pulled myself together, finished covering the scrape with the goo and ran in the house for an espresso.
Whew, glad that’s done! With the espresso coursing through my veins, I returned to the barnyard with a nice afternoon snack of kitchen scraps for the animals. They rushed me as usual, but after a few minutes I managed to get it all dumped into the various pans around the barnyard.
Imagine my horror when I turned around to see Ethel dripping blood from her comb. Dripping. Blood.
One of my blood coping strategies when the kids were young was pressure, pressure, pressure. If my hand was over a wound, less blood was visible! (Clever, eh?) Now all I had to do was find the dog crate in the garage, catch a chicken, wrap her up in something, bring her into the house and apply pressure. With my head spinning like a top, I completed all tasks. I probably looked like a drunk leaving a bar, weaving around and leaning on things during the process.

I’m light-headed, holding a chicken and dragging a dog crate. Thank goodness I have the good sense to pull out my phone and take a photo!
Finally, Ethel and I got comfortable on the couch, her wrapped in a soft blanket and me holding her comb between my fingers. If I could have done that with my head between my legs to make the world stop spinning, I would have. I’m not that talented so I just tried to settle in and not fight the feeling. Whoo! Whoo!
Luckily for both of us, I felt better and the active bleeding stopped in about thirty minutes. I put her in the dog crate, hoping she would settle down and rest for a while. No such luck. She was one unhappy hen in the crate.
I let her wander around the house for a while (she seemed very happy to do that) and then took her back out to the barnyard. I was worried about the wound getting pecked (a common problem with chickens) but the other ladies were very polite. At last check she was roosting next to Lucy and all seemed well.
I’m pooped. It’s hard being a wuss. I think I know what caused all of this, but I’m too tired to think about it. But as Scarlett O’Hara says, tomorrow is another day. More later!
(Shared at Clever Chicks Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection, Tuesdays With A Twist, Maple Hill Hop, Down Home Hop, Homeacre Hop, Simple Lives Thursday, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, From the Farm Hop and Farmgirl Friday!)
You can carry around a cell phone near a pacemaker? Guess technology has advanced! Good photos. I would’ve been too woozy to even THINK of taking pictures. Poor sweet babies. Why do these emergencies always happen when no one’s around to help?
I can use the microwave too 🙂
Well you did say in your last post sometimes you wonder what to write about – careful what you wish for! I think you did really well to have the presence of mind to get your phone out! I wonder how Ethel got her bloody comb? I keep a chicken first aid kit with a styptic pencil – but I’m quite glad I’ve never had to use it. Hope she (and you) continue to feel better! 🙂
Going to shovel (we got 6″ of snow overnight) out to the coop to check on everyone now!
Thanks for being so funny. JoAnn
Aw, thank you!
Okay I don’t want to laugh about how you feel around blood and guts but I did chuckle a little out loud. I am happy you hung in and got the job’s done. YOU are a great barn yard mama 🙂 Happy Friday Joan!
Jen recently posted…Looks Who’s Braying….
You too, Jen! I’ll be shoveling snow and wishing I had the cutest donkey in the world. Oh, that’s right, YOU have the cutest donkey in the world 🙂
It’s snowing here also. It rained so much yesterday the poultry was soaked…did they want to come in…heck no. I had to force them inside to get dry. I’m glad you made it. I had to give a shot to a goat today and worm medicine. I have trouble with the shot thing, but I got’er done.
Linda recently posted…The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — It’s Mine
We got rain before this snow, too. Weird in January, yes?
I’m not too woozy around blood, but it is still traumatic to me when I see blood on my animals. Glad you got the job done!!
Me too!
Glad you were able to get everyone patched up. I know a terrible experience for you but had to giggle reading about it.
So glad your critters are okay. You took loving care of them. You might want to buy a few red towels. We’ve always used one when Lil’ Guy had ouchies, that way he didn’t freak out as badly. It might work for you! :0)
daisy recently posted…The Maple Hill Hop 16
lol, thanks for the laugh!! Glad you got your guy & gal fixed up even if it was less than pleasant for you!
I had a goat get attacked by red ants on her belly & udder, one get loose on her way to the milk stand and eat two dead oleander leaves (before I knew what oleander was or how poisionous it is) AND a rooster nearly kill one of my hens all within a week to 10 day period. I’d had enough ‘Farmyard 9-1-1’ at that point!!
I’m about to go through my first kidding and am just PRAYING everything goes smoothly. I’m not really cut out to be a nurse either. 😉
Stopping by from The Backyard Farming Connection blog hop!
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