My name is Joan, and I’m a gardening failure.
There. I’ve said it.
Do you think less of me now? Lordy, I hope not.
I try and I try, and hope springs eternal every March, but I simply cannot find the gardening love.
This year was going to be different! Even though I professed my previous gardening failures, I jumped in with both feet and made a hoop cold frame and got seeds in the ground early. I hauled wheelbarrows full of my very own chicken poop compost and lovingly turned it over into the soil. I got heirloom tomato plants from a local gardening co-op sale. I got brussels sprouts plants from the farmer’s market.
I TRIED people, I really tried.
But I kinda grit my teeth when I’m weeding. I often forget to turn the water on. I sometimes forget to turn the water off.
Worst of all, I don’t even pick lots of what I grow. I let things go to seed. (Ya know, herbs and veggies are kinda pretty when they go to seed.)
I won’t even mention my container flowers, which were read their last rites weeks ago.
So while all the rest of you are apparently having the time of your life tending your soon-to-be bountiful harvest and pinning your gorgeous gardens complete with darling handmade plant markers on Pinterest, the white flag is being raised at my house. I give up, I’m not good at it, I don’t really like it. I’d MUCH rather be in the barnyard enjoying my animals.

This is what happens when the plant version of hens and chicks try and leave the planter looking for a better home.
Now I do love to grow, and eat, tomatoes. I’ll still plant them next year. I’ll also plant pumpkins and watermelons for the animals. Even though they never turn out very good here, the plants are green and huge so they’ll take up a lot of space in the raised beds that won’t be growing anything else. Besides, I’m pretty sure Doink and company will be happy with whatever I throw over the fence.

This is either lettuce gone wild or a new take on Christmas trees, I don’t know which. It’s over three feet tall. Doink’s gonna love it!
But the rest of it? The lettuce, broccoli, beets, jalapeños, brussels sprouts, cilantro, onions – all the things in the garden now that have a slim chance in hell of making through the summer? Well, somebody’s got to keep Whole Foods in business. Might as well be me.
(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Tuesdays With A Twist, Backyard Farming Connection Hop, Down Home Blog Hop, HomeAcre Hop, From the Farm Blog Hop, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop and Little House Friday!)
Maybe corn and potatoes?
Of course, sweetie!
We are in the same boat sister! Just keep trying, along w/me, & things (ie. plants) will work themselves out as long as we keep praying!!!
DFW recently posted…Crepe Myrtles – Lots of Crepe Myrtles
You know, I figured there were at least one or two kindred souls out there! Thanks for stopping by
Too funny! I must admit I prefer my animals over gardening as well. Luckily the hubby loves gardening so he tends to our plants while I take care of the chickies
Works out great!
Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Feathered Friend Friday: Broody Guinea
Lucky you! Very Excellent Husband Don does a LOT of yard work, but the garden and flowers have always been my job. Too bad one of the kids didn’t get a green thumb!
Haha you are so funny, gardening is a lot of work and often a hit or miss. You’re right about whole foods and Rose Colored Glasses, well i love that song too :). Jessie is so cute i can see why you would rather be in the barnyard
I just fed the ridiculously bolted lettuce to the barnyard. They looked at me like I was a rock star chef. So my human failures are my animals’ pleasures. Could. Not. Be. Happier!
I think you’re OK, you should just go into the Seed business rather than try to eat your veges. Of course your cilantro has now become coriander which is also good. Maybe you can trade your seeds to some unsuspecting child in exchange for a cow! Sorry, the Jack in the Beanstalk thing just popped into my mind.
Kathy recently posted…My New Drug of Choice
Hmm, I’m liking the cow exchange idea!
It looks good to me – my lettuce looks exactly the same (and my cilantro!)
Gretchen recently posted…Homestead Resource Guide: Chicken Feature
Ah, another relaxed gardener! Love it!
I understand. It is really hard to keep going when it gets hot, stuff doesn’t work like you thought it would, and the weeds grow overnight. Thank you for sharing this with us at the Home Acre Hop! Always look forward to your posts. Hope to have you back again tomorrow: