My favorite people in the world, Cousin Beth and her husband Fayne, visited over the weekend. We always wind up with some kind of barnyard project to do and this time was no exception!
Beth took one look at the barnyard and thought the placement of the new logs for the goats to play on could be improved.
Fayne and I set about moving them around until she was happy. This is a typical scenario. Beth wants something done, Fayne and I do it!
Of course, after we were done, they DID look much better. Brandy and Pumpkin put on a little show to celebrate!
We could have been finished. But the next day Beth had a few more ideas…

Measurements were made, with help from Jessie. Hmm, I don’t know my numbers very good…let me get a better look.

Construction began. Hey Lady! You need some help? If I put my hoof right here does that make it better?
At this point, Doink decided to chase Fayne. He always chases Fayne. We don’t know why. Fayne is a good Texas boy who grew up around all kinds of farm animals, including pigs. Go figure.
Almost done!

My quality control inspectors at work. Um, ma’am this piece seems to be loose. We’re all about safety here at Happy Mama Acre, ya know!
(Shared at HomeAcre Hop, Down Home Hop, Backyard Farming Connection, Tuesdays With A Twist, Maple Hill Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Clever Chicks Hop, Simple Saturdays, Farmgirl Friday, Inspired Weekends, Old Fashioned Friday and From the Farm Hop)
You guys rocked this and it looks great! I remember last year when your family came to visit and you guys painted names, so cute. Everyone sure looks happy over at happy acre 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Jen recently posted…A Little Bit Of Heaven Here On Earth…
Yeah, we’re always workin’ on something when they come – makes it fun! Love your photos from Cabo – they’re gorgeous!
Great ideas for a goat play area! I bet my goats would LOVE something like that to play on 🙂
All you need are friends who need to cut down a tree – that’s how we got the logs 🙂
Your goats are so cute! What breed is Jessie?
Come visit my goats!
Tayet recently posted…Ringo
I think, if I remember correctly, he’s an Alpine!
Hmmm … my husband has just cut some huge logs for next winter’s fire (or this winter – it’s still freezing cold and pouring with rain in “sunny Italy”). But now I’m looking at yours and thinking my chickens could do with a new play area … Thank you for the idea! 🙂
Oh yes, the chickens love it as much as the goats!
It is always great to see Beth and Fayne — even if it’s just on the internet. Life is always more fun when they are around!
Hey Faith! We’re all headed your way in August – looking forward to seeing you then 🙂
Would love to have goats if I ever move to a more rural area! Love your fencing, did you build it yourself?
Lucy recently posted…Can I Have My Picture Made With a Chicken Please?
We have a wonderful fence guy that put in all the posts, straight and true. We put in the rest of the fencing ourselves. It was a great way to get quality (the posts are cemented into the center of the earth) at a good price (after the posts are in, the rest is fairly easy).
Love the shot of Brandy and Pumpkin doing their little “Happy Dance.” 🙂
Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe recently posted…Chocolate Pineapple-Banana Bread
It’s always nice to get a shot of Brandy doing something other than being mean and chasing them!
How sweet!! Thanks for sharing this with us at the HomeAcre Hop!