Yep. You read that right. We recently laid sod in the barnyard. How ridiculous is that? But my Excellent Friend Nancy was giving away some and I had bare places in the barnyard where I wanted grass. Match made in heaven.
For a while, I’ve had this dream of re-seeding some of those bare areas, but when I thought it through—something I don’t usually do— of course the chickens would eat all the seed, so I’d need to put a fence around the seeded areas and then there’s all that watering and…aaugh. I had resigned myself to not having more grass out there…until the sod fell in my lap.

Junie B, always the lounging cover girl, was not pleased to move out of her sun spot, but that’s where the sod was going.
The ground was like concrete. Very Excellent Husband Don got the rototiller out and it bounced along the top of the dirt like a skipping rock across water. Shovels were brought out. I stood on mine with both feet and jumped up and down and…not much. So Don did the hard labor and I mostly watched and petted the goats.

Project Foreman Doinkster inspects our work
Then, the animals thought they’d help a little. Brandy, always the first to lend a helping hand, jumped in—or should I say up—first.

Well looky here. What’s all this?

Hmmmm…..more investigation is needed.

Smells ok….

And it tastes good too! Yippee!

Hey guys, get up here! Come on, we can eat it!
Don dug, rototilled and evened the ground. I lugged the sod rolls off the truck and rolled them out. More help came along…

For a while, Doink rolled it back up as fast as I could unroll it. I think he thought it was a game.
But in the end the humans prevailed.

All done!
I’ve been watering it every day and it’s looking quite nice. The other grass spreads so quickly into the flowerbeds. I wish it would do the same here and spread into the gaps. Hopefully with all that watering it will.
Another day, another project complete in the barnyard. With a little help from my friends.

Well, except from these two. Apparently hard work is not for them 🙂
Keep us updated on the grass progress!
I will! The wind is blowing, the heat is gone and we might get rain tonight. A pleasant break 🙂
Your alpacas look recently sheared. Did you find a home for the fiber? (Holding up hand here). Ha.
You have such good helpers.
Ahh, I went back and read the previous post. Hope your fiber fairy appears soon!
I have a neighbor who says she will take it and give me a bit after it is processed…but she’s not come over. I’ve got a big bag of white and a big bag of black fiber in my garage looking for an owner. I desperately want it to go to someone who will use it, but no fairies have shown up yet!
It makes a lot of difference if you’ve got helpful friends! … of course your foremost friends: excellent husband Don and excellent friend Nancy included:) Hope summer won’t be too hot so you won’t have to keep watering them till it takes off!
annie recently posted…Building our Mud Wall
Hey Annie! A storm came through tonight. No rain yet, but nice and cool. All the animals come visit me as I water the sod, so it is not a very hard chore 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mud bricks! What a wonderful find, and your wall is beautiful. You are a lucky lady!
Joan Hobbs recently posted…Laying Sod In The Barnyard
I was a little confused at first because we call it turf over here. A good job done and love your helpers. The alpacas look amazing with their long necks and cute faces. Some how they look to queenly to pitch in with any hard work. Bet it’s fun having them all around at watering time. Pity we can’t send you some of our rain. It’s been a very wet June here and we have had quite enough already!
Carol Caldwell recently posted…The veg plot
I’ll take the rain! Send it this way 🙂
Well, at least Doink tried to do his part. Glad you were able to use it.
daisy recently posted…Plant Profile-Tropical Sage
Doink, always willing to pitch in 🙂