It’s Hard Being Keela

It all started so innocently...

It all started so innocently…

I watch her.  I have her within my sight almost all day every day.  So many times I see her sitting there, dead still, sometimes for almost an hour, waiting for the rabbit to get close.

I have the attention span of a gnat.  I am so jealous.

I speak of my dog, Keela.  Keela has a VERY strong prey drive.  I think she was less than six months old when I saw her catch her first rabbit.  She ate the entire thing within about ten minutes. Gross, but impressive.

She climbed her first tree a few weeks later while chasing a squirrel.  She fell out of the tree and broke her foot.

It kept her down for about two days.


That didn’t dissuade her from climbing trees.  More than once (WAY more than once) I’ve looked outside to see what the fuss was about only to see her eight foot up a tree with a seriously freaked out squirrel about two feet over her head.

Oh my.

Like a tiger.  I'll wait here until you get close enough, little bunny.

Like a tiger. I’ll wait here until you get close enough to catch, my little pretty.

Who knew, but squirrels are easier to catch than rabbits.  However, rabbits apparently taste better than squirrels.  So Keela gently, graciously shares the squirrels with me.  Hey lady, look what I brought you.  Aren’t you impressed?  Uh, NOOOOO.  But when I walk in and find a dead squirrel that looks like it’s asleep (no blood, no teeth marks) on my kitchen floor, I must admit my reaction is a mixture of shock and awe.

This one she left outside...PICNIC!

This time she waited for me outside…PICNIC!

Fences?  In the pursuit of squirrels and rabbits, Keela climbed over our original 4 foot welded wire fence.  We installed a 5 foot welded wire fence.  She climbed that too.  We added extensions and extra fencing until the perimeter of our yard looked like Alcatraz.  Still, up and over she went.  We tore all that out and put up a 6′ wooden picket fence.  Yep, she climbed that as well.  The dog trainer recommended a wire overhang on the top of the 6′ fence.  You guessed it – she got over that too.

When she was over the fence she would run absolutely wild chasing rabbits all over our neighborhood.  For hours.  No treat would persuade her to stop.  No. Treat. Worked.  This would happen in zero degree weather in the winter.  And blazing hot afternoons in the summer.

I would want to wring her neck (figuratively, folks) when she would finally come to me and gobble the big hunk of ham I’d been carting around the neighborhood forever.  But she would look at me with such exhausted joy, such wrung-out elation.  It was like a runner after a marathon.  Man, that was AWESOME, she said.

No rest for the weary.  Oh, wait!  The lady brings me back home and I rest all afternoon!  Sweet!

No rest for the weary. Oh, wait! I’m a dog! I can rest in the cool sand all afternoon. Sweet!

She doesn’t go over the fence anymore, thank goodness.  She hasn’t gotten a rabbit in a while, but not for lack of trying.  The squirrels still show up in the kitchen on a regular basis.  She is nothing if not vigilant.

We just celebrated her “kinda” fourth birthday on May 1st.  The puppy rescue people made an educated guess about her age, so the day is arbitrary.  Twenty-eight years old in people years must agree with her.  Yes, she still gets up every morning and goes to work trying to make the world safe from squirrels and rabbits.  Although now, she takes more time off.

Yesterday it was ALMOST warm and I took my laptop to the backyard and sat in the sun to work.  She stretched out beside me and let a squirrel shriek in a nearby tree.  She looked up at me as if to say, We’ll let that one go, ok?

All love, all the time.

All love, all the time.

Yeah, Keela, we can let that one go.

(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog HopHomestead Barn HopBackyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog Hop and Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, From the Farm Blog Hop and The HomeAcre Hop!)


  1. I must tell everyone how absolutely sweet your Keela is! Many people are freaked out by the pitbull/mix thing but she is such a love to people (not squirrels.)
    Nancy recently posted…10 Great Gifts For Mom From Target

    • The only reason to fear Keela is the slight possibility she might lick you to death 🙂 Breed discrimination is frustrating, isn’t it?

  2. Holy cow she can climb trees and jump 6′ fences, dang that is talent! I love that you rescued her, wish you lived closer I could use her for an afternoon or two ;). She is adorable and I can see the love here is mutual. Happy birthday Keela you sweet girl. *woof
    A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…Perhaps…

    • Yeah, she is one talented dog – in a frustrating kind of way! But my heart melts every time she looks at me with those big brown eyes and plunks her big ol’ head on my leg. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

  3. Oh my gosh, I love Keela! She sounds like such a spunky dog! I bet it does get frustrating though. Here lately my cats have been bringing me dead mice and that’s bad enough. I can’t imagine a squirrel in my kitchen! Eeek!
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Clearing The Camera

  4. That’s a sweet tribute to your little dog. Good thing she’s calmed down a bit. 🙂
    Rachel E. recently posted…Another Homestead Update

  5. wow, I’ve never heard of dogs climbing trees or scaling fences like that! She has skills!
    Lori recently posted…Progress

  6. We love our dogs. Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop. Come back and visit us this week:


  1. […] has an off-the-charts-strong prey drive.  She will sit stock-still, watching an exceptionally large gap in the fence slats where bunnies […]