Happy Life Day To Me

May 3rd is a special day for me.

Back in 1999, when I was 38, I woke up on May 3rd feeling less than stellar, kinda like I had the flu.  But as a busy mom with three young kids I did what I had to do – I hauled my butt out of bed and started the day.  I was sure after a shower I’d feel better.

In the shower, my heart stopped beating.

It stopped beating again in the emergency room.  I didn’t hear the words CODE BLUE, but Very Excellent Husband Don did.

Look!  My very own flatline!

Look! My very own flatline!

I got a pacemaker the very next day.  Now my heart doesn’t stop beating anymore.  It doesn’t always beat perfectly, but it doesn’t STOP.  Whew.  That was close.

I am very, very glad to be alive.

So May 3rd is my Life Day.  As my Life Day gift, I’d be pleased if you’d give a special hug to your kids/husband/parents/best friends/dog/chickens/goats/pig/and whoever or whatever brings you joy.  Hug ’em so hard you can feel their heart beating against yours.  Because a beating heart is…priceless.

(Shared at the Clever Chicks Blog HopHomestead Barn HopBackyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog HopHomeAcre HopFrom the Farm Blog Hop and TALU Tuesday!)


  1. WOW! Happy Re-Birthday!!
    Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe recently posted…Armenian Burritos

  2. Happy Day!! We all need to be reminded how precious life is…Thanks!! I needed a good cry!!!

  3. YES! Oh my goodness, how scary! I was in an accident a few years ago that changed everything for me. Life days and every days are such blessings aren’t they. I try to soak in the simple things every single day, I know exactly how you feel. Happy Life Day buddy, I am so thankful to have met you in blogland. ((hugs))
    A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…It’s squirrel-a-geddon…

    • You are so right. It sneaks up on me sometimes. Especially if I’m in a negative groove. And then I remember I could me missing all of it – the bad AND the good. Then I get over myself! Thankful to know you too – feels like we’re kindred souls. Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh my gosh, that is scary! I’m so glad you were able to get treated and fixed up. Happy life day to you and I will for sure hug my husband and critters extra tight tonight just for you 🙂
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Feathered Friend Friday: A Broody Hen & Giveaway!

  5. I’m going to kiss Doink the pig because I am so happy you are alive!

  6. Wow. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing your story. Yes, I do indeed thank God for each & every day w/my loved ones.

  7. Happy Life Day. We all need to stop and be thankful for what we have. Hugs and kiss going out to my family today and every day.
    michelle recently posted…Starting a new craft swap

  8. HUGS:)
    Annie recently posted…Edible Plant as Food

  9. Happy Belated Life Day to you. Such a scary story with a wonderful ending. I am currently 37 and the thought of something happening to me, leaving my children without a mother is a frightening one.
    Rachel E. recently posted…Another Homestead Update

  10. A day to commemorate and celebrate for sure…one of those touchstone days. Thanks for sharing your heightened perspective on the gift of life! If I had a life day, it would be sometime (I didn’t mark the calendar) in January, when I choked on a little piece of carrot. Not to be trivial…I really thought my life was over, and when we finally managed to clear my airway again, I was so grateful I could keep it awhile longer. Stuff to do, people to love.

    I really enjoyed this post. Thanks again…Lynaea @ EveryDayBloom.com
    Lynaea recently posted…Regarding Mothers and Daughters

  11. So glad you have this special day to celebrate. Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop. Come back and join us this week: http://everythinghomewithcarol.com/self-sufficient-homeacre-hop-and-green-circle-grove-giveaway
    Carol J. Alexander recently posted…Once Upon a Prince–A Book Review

  12. Wow…how scary! Happy life day to you! Foudn you thru TALU link up.
    Robbie recently posted…Listicle Lovin’

  13. I’m reading this almost a month after you wrote it, so I’m designating TODAY (May 28th) as Life Day. Thanks for the reminder. ~~TALU~~
    Kathy G recently posted…A Memorial Day Poem

  14. Wow! So glad you are here to tell this story. Happy belated Life Day to you. TALU
    Kenya G. Johnson recently posted…Another day another salad…


  1. […] out at the sight of blood or having a needle close to my person since I was young.  Since I now have a pacemaker I don’t completely pass out anymore, but get a very, very intense head […]