Good Things Come In Small Packages

I’ll be brief and to the point.


Nothin' cuter!

Nothin’ cuter!

Meet the new members of the barnyard 🙂  They’re olive eggers.

No names yet, just arrived an hour ago.

She's the leader.  Quite the feisty little girl.

She’s the leader. Quite the feisty little girl.

This one's gotta start taking up for herself.  Looks like she's been picked on a bit.

This one’s gotta start taking up for herself. Looks like she’s been picked on a bit.



Learning how to drink...

Learning how to drink…

And eat!

And eat!

And now...a little nap.

And now…a little nap.

Keep your fingers crossed for the eggs Rapunzel is sitting on.  They should hatch in the next few days, and then we’ll have MORE BABIES!

(Shared at Backyard Farming Connection, Maple Hill Hop, Tuesdays With A TwistHomestead Barn HopClever Chicks HopHomesteaders HopSimple SaturdaysLittle House FridayFarmgirl FridayOld-Fashioned FridayFrom The Farm Hop and HomeAcre Hop)


  1. Aw I love babies!!! So fun and so cute. Keep us posted on Rapunzel and her eggies…. Yay!
    Jen recently posted…Chores Are More Fun In The Company Of Friends…

  2. Love! I specially love the way one minute they’re up and running about and the next – zonk – fallen asleep! This cute fluffy stage goes by so quickly doesn’t it – enjoy!

  3. So. Dang. Cute. And best of luck to Rapunzel.
    Amy Lou recently posted…Do You Feel Like Swimming? (Yes, Right Now)

  4. Beyond adorable! I can’t believe the hatched with little personalities already!
    Lily recently posted…U-Haul U-Box Moving Company Review

  5. I love chick pictures 🙂 They are just so darn cute! Thanks for linking up at the homeacre blog hop. Be sure to stop by to link another post up this week (thursday)!
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