This was the easy part. Closing the ends properly will be hard. I hope I don’t use a whole roll of duct tape.
Remember when there was no Internet and all we had to judge ourselves by was our next door neighbors?
Sometimes I long for those days.
Here’s the deal. I am not a good gardener. I want to be, but I am not. Gardening is not for those of use who like instant gratification.
A tomato takes about four months minimum to grow around here. Each of my chickens lays an egg once every couple of days. That’s a good feeling for me EVERY DAY, not to mention the happiness of the chickens.
Gardening, to me, is so complicated. There’s the watering, the weeding, making the compost. Then there’s using tweezers to plant tiny seeds. You’ve gotta KNOW STUFF to garden. And then there’s all that WAITING…
Before the Internet, I could tell myself that most other people weren’t good gardeners, either. I’ve had some friends that grew a little of this and a little of that. But I could fool myself into believing good gardeners were few and far between.
Pinterest tells me I was wrong, so wrong.
I am so in awe of those of you who turn yogurt containers and tp rolls and newspaper into seed starting vessels. Your charts and graphs and knowledge of frost dates and sweet handmade labels – all fantastic. Watering strategies and systems, trellises made out of the cutest thing found out behind the barn – awesome. Basements full of grow lights and seedlings and misting bottles and compost tea – I’m green with jealousy.
I am unworthy.
But, I’m nothing if not dogged. I WANT to have a productive garden. I’m trying to go into this growing season realizing my strengths and weaknesses and working with my skill set.
I started with the following facts:
- I have very little extra space in the house for starting seeds. That’s a fact, jack.
- I have three raised beds, each about 3′ x 20′ long.
- I have read and read and read about gardening. And I’m hopelessly overwhelmed.
- I’m handy with power tools.
- I’m currently, on March 14th, motivated.
So, going with fact #4, I built myself a hoop-style cold frame for one of the beds. It cost about $40 in materials.

Very Excellent Husband Don and I built these beds years ago. They’ve seen better days, but they’re what I’ve got to work with.

Nothing I love better than cruising Home Depot looking for hardware. These pipe braces fit the PVC pieces perfectly.
It’s not perfect, by any stretch. I will need to unscrew all the boards on one side to lift the plastic when I tend to what I hope will be thriving, happy plants. I secured both ends today with what is one seriously sketchy design. Must keep an eye on that. Sigh. Then I put a load of chicken poop compost in and it smelled like…stinky earth, in a good way. I threw all common sense to the wind, frost dates be damned (it was mid 70s today!) and stuck some seeds in the ground. Let’s see what comes up!

It won’t make HGTV, but I hope the plants like it. Row on the left is planted with fifteen different cool season crops, square foot gardening style. I think it’s a cozy starter home!
(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection Hop, The Country Homemaker Hop, Down Home Blog Hop, The HomeAcre Hop, Link Love Thursday, Farm Girl Blog Fest, Farm Fun Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop and The Coop Hop!)
Excellent! A buttoned up with duct tape to boot!
Linda recently posted…The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday —Mom Said
And I only used about half a roll!
I’m new at gardening as well. I find it all overwhelming. However, I think my determination to make it work is bigger than that overwhelming feeling. I started a few trays of seedling in my house, but have near 20 milk jug greenhouses on the back deck. I wanted a greehouse, but decided to recycle. I like your greenhouse. It looks great. I hope it all grows well – and makes you proud.
Rachel E. recently posted…Homemade Ricotta and a Scrubby for Dishes
Well, if it’s like a watched pot boiling, I’m doomed. I probably check about five times a day! I was close to the milk jug idea, but even half full of dirt they would probably blow away in our winds.
You can probably stand up in there! Hahahahahaha.
Nancy recently posted…Preparing for Alzheimer’s?
Yeah, that’s right, I’m two feet tall! 🙂
I love your hoop house! I dream of hoop houses and potting tables and beautiful chicken poop that I can spread. Someday soon I tell myself. For now, I will admire yours!
Well, check back and see the progress, or lack thereof! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Yeah YOU, your hoop house is awesome!!! It looks like you’ve got a great start too. Research is good but sometimes you just need to put your hands in the dirt, a little trial and error. There is no perfect way to garden and the internet makes finding answers to your questions fast. I hope this this will be the start to a green thumb, have fun!
A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…Bud Break and Green Sangria, our weekend in photos
Thanks! We had CRAZY winds last night and I was almost scared to peek outside when I got up – but it was still standing – yes!
Congrats on your hoop house! I think it looks magnificent! We just started our ‘new’ garden yesterday…trying the “Back to Eden” no till method. Feeling a little overwhelmed myself, but like you, I’m determined! Hope you see little sprouts really soon!
Cindy Lee recently posted…Look What They’ve Done to Our Milk, Mom…
Thanks – it’s covered in about six inches of snow – with another six to come! I wonder how the sprouts are doing, but I’m not going to peek until it warms up. Looks like that might not be until Tuesday!
I enjoyed reading your blog post peppered with your sense of humour:) Now, it’s my turn to be green with jealousy… when I saw your posh hoop house! We call ours simply the tunnel, very similar to yours except that we just poke a few semi circle metals into the ground, cover it with plastic and hold the plastic down with whatever bricks we found! Carry on and enjoy gardening:)
Annie recently posted…Dining Alfresco
Thanks for stopping by! I might have made mine your way if not for our crazy winds around here – if it’s not really well made it will be blown to Kansas!
Hey, I didn’t know you had this blog too! I’m building one of these hoop houses too albeit on a much smaller scale… Thanks for the step-by-step!
Lori recently posted…These Days
Welcome to The Chicken Mama, Lori! I started this blog a few months ago – I love writing about the animals. Good luck with your hoop house!
Love this post – it is so true that Pinterest and the internet are humbling! I think your gardens look great – we would like to add some row cover too here.
Gretchen recently posted…Homesteading Giveaway Saturday
I think I’ll be replanting it all – the huge snow and zero degree weather we’re having is demoralizing to me and probably lethal to the plants. Won’t know until it’s warm enough to open it up an check – I’ve still got my fingers crossed for a miracle!
Joan Hobbs recently posted…Imagining Summer
This is great – I love gardening! I chose this as a feature for my link party this week. Please grab an “I’ve Been Featured” button from my link parties page. Thanks for joining!!
Angie – http://www.easylivingmom.com recently posted…21 Awesome Non-Salad Veggie Recipes
Thanks Angie – I’m honored! Going to grab that button right now 🙂
Joan Hobbs recently posted…Imagining Summer