I’m trying. I really am. But I’m completely exhausted attempting to put some kind, ANY kind of good spin on this dreadful winter weather we’re continuing to experience. Single digit days, sub-zero nights. Snow, snow and more snow. I despise being crabby. But this weather has grabbed hold of all my good thoughts and thrown them out the window.

I miss the birdies taking a splashy bath. (For new visitors, there’s a birdbath somewhere under there.)
Maybe because the animals seem to feel that way, too? It’s hard to tell their story when they’re holed up in the shed. It’s hard to take photos. It’s just plain hard.

No really. We enjoy just standing here. If it was summer we’d be lying in the grass. But this is good. Really.
I dream of spring. Of working on a warm day. Painting. Maybe other upgrades.
To top it off, there’s something lurking in the open space behind the house. Every time I let Keela out she goes NUTS at the back fence. I’m worried.
It was -3 at evening feeding today. Ugh. And more snow is in the forecast. But we’re above freezing tomorrow!
So. I shall square my shoulders. I shall stand up a little taller. Because spring is just around the corner. Right?
(Shared at Clever Chicks Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection, Maple Hill Hop, Tuesdays With A Twist, Down Home Hop, Simple Lives Thursday, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, HomeAcre Hop, From the Farm Hop, 104 Homestead Hop and Farmgirl Friday!)
OH my gosh this is a lot of snow and more days below zero… I can’t image but I can send wishes for warmer days and pray that Spring will spring early for you. I can see how this could get old…. especially after a few months. WOW. Good girl Keala, sounds like she’s doing a good job and making her presence known. I wonder though what tracks those are? I image everything is covered out there right now and there are hungry animals on the other side of your fence… Be safe… and warm friend.
Jen recently posted…Please Bring Some Rain
Jen, I had to laugh at myself last night. This weather turns me into such a grumpus! I’m going to turn my attention to sending some rain your way 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Please add an archive so that I can start your blog from the beginning. Love reading this but I JUST found you! Thanks
Why, thanks Carmen! Give me a few days and it will be up. Great suggestion 🙂
Fox? Coyote and lone Coyote? Not good, whatever it is!
*♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨
Linda recently posted…The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — Snow
I’m pretty sure it’s a coyote. We see them, and hear them, regularly. They’re MUCH bigger and more healthy than in the past few years for some reason. We used to see foxes, but not so much anymore. Have a great weekend!
You’re in snowy cold & in CA we’re in a State of drought & just finished a Jan of record hi temps. My old containered tomatoes are still giving me fruit in Feb yet my new seedlings in-house are dying to get transplanted outdoors. I can’t find the room for this plant life. Had a seedling 3 ft tall so had to take it into the garden. The chickens layed right thru winter it was so warm here. A little bit of rain this week – very little 4 CA.
A friend got a Belgian Malinois & Macedonian Sarplaninac flock/guard dogs to watch her poultry 24/7 after she put down her faithful 14-yr pet Lab. Flock dogs are family friendly yet bred for outdoor conditions & independent problem solving. Heaven forbid when our love Keela goes – U might consider a couple TANDEM flock/guard dogs? 2 of these work effectively circling cat/canine wild predator types. 4 peace of mind just a thought 4 the future – Smiles 🙂
I would love to add another dog, but my girl Keela has nixed that idea. She prefers a one dog family and seeing how she won my heart the minute I saw her, I guess we’ll stay that way!
Hi Joan – I didn’t or wasn’t suggesting adding to Keela as my daughter’s dog is a 1-dog ONLY family too. Just thought it wld be something 2 consider in future after Keela – it looks like ur rural environs wld support 24/7 guard/flock breeds. Any breed (even Chihuahuas) r good family/guard dogs but in rural environs like urs it’s a thought 2 consider outdoor flock breeds in tandem. Just throwing it out there. My breeder ADORED her 14-yr Lab but after she was put down they had to seriously consider tandem flock dogs to keep from losing their poultry. Tandem is suggested because of the circling they do around intruding predators. Here in So CA the outskirt communities have Bobcats trotting down their streets w/ cats or rabbits in their mouth. The big wild cats & coyotes have no fear of backyards but tandem dogs will assuredly keep them at bay.
We don’t have as much snow as you do, thank goodness, but I know how you feel! I am just struggling to make it through the last part of this winter while keeping my sanity. Spring HAS to be on the way soon! I feel like we need a nice long summer to make up for this horrible winter.
Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Feathered Friend Friday: Winter Weary
Oh, how I long for a hot summer’s day!
I’m with you there! I haven’t been able to open the livestock gate for over a month (thanks to a thaw that resulted in a small pond then refroze) meaning I have been ungracefully scaling the fence to bring supplies to the creatures. I’ve planned my garden and ordered chicks. It’s time for spring now.
Share with me! Blog Hop every Friday (entries accepted until Thursday at noon).
Jessica @ The 104 Homestead recently posted…Dirty Bakeware: How to clean it and avoid it.
Thanks for stopping by. I’ll hop on over on Friday – I appreciate the invite!
Single digits again in WV, and again tonight. I too am exhausted with trying to keep my chickens alive. You are right. The animals are sick of it too! The only thing that keeps me going is that every day we must be getting closer to spring.
It’s coming – it’s gotta come sometime 🙂
You are one tough chick! Brrrrrrrrr, don’t know how you do it. I’m sending you sunshine today to melt some of that snow!
daisy recently posted…The Maple Hill Hop 17
I think whining warms me up 🙂
I do so feel for you. Here in England we have have our own weird weather. We have had four months of continual rain and in the south of England we have a lot of flooding.
In the south of England it’s been the wettest year ever since records began and is forecast to continue for another month yet. I have never known this much rain in my lifetime (and England is famous for it’s rain!).
Luckily where we live we are on high ground but the roads around us are flooded. Parts of the country have their homes and business’s flooded and I feel so sorry for them.
The English always talk about the weather a lot and at the moment we can’t go anywhere without people talking about the rain! I keep thinking that it has to stop sometime and I too keep imagining warm sunny days. Roll on!
Sorry but I thought I could prove you are not the only one grumpy about the weather. Your animals cheer up my day though.
Carol Caldwell recently posted…Amber lays a soft egg and Honey may be broody
I feel your pain. We have had maybe 2 or 3 days about freezing since Thanksgiving and we are smothering under 3 feet of snow and it was snowing more this morning. Trying to have patience and wait for spring…I am not doing a very good job.
Stopping by from the Oak Hill Homestead:HomeAcre Hop
Oh my. That’s harsh! Good luck, and thanks for stopping by 🙂
Thanks for sharing on 104 Homestead hop. I agree – too darn cold and too much snow! Your pictures are pretty, though!
janetpesaturo recently posted…Goat Milk Ice Cream Bases
I’ve actually really been enjoying this winter! Yes, the chickens don’t like the snow, but on bad days they get extra scraps from the kitchen. I love the way that everything looks in the snow – waking up to a fresh dusting every morning keeps things beautiful. And the dogs love playing in it, though after our last storm, our oldest Corgi can’t see out of the snow paths around the yard – she needs to carry a map with her!
Love your photos, descriptions from the animal point of view, and outlook. I have been losing my usual ability to stay cheerful too. Soon we shall see baby green shoots and leaf buds …