Egg, Egg…Who’s Got The Egg?

Sometimes, for me, writing a post is hard to come by.  My rule is to be true to my animals. I don’t make these stories up.  They are told to me by my four-legged (and in the case of chickens, two-legged) friends. Unfortunately, some days are more interesting than others.

Today, it snowed all day. There was lots of shoveling and checking on the animals.  Photos were taken.  But nothing special happened.  Everyone, including me, just wanted to be left alone.  Mondays are household chore days.  I hate Mondays.

I thought maybe a snow scene would be interesting - not.

I thought maybe a snow scene would be interesting – not.

Snow scene with Christmas lights?  In late January?  Now I'm just embarrassing myself.

Snow scene with Christmas lights? In late January? Now I’m just embarrassing myself.

Come on animals!  Don’t you have a good story?  Finally, I went out later in the afternoon, checked the nesting boxes and found seven beautiful eggs. (One was broken, but that wasn’t particularly interesting.)  Many beautiful eggs laid as the snow flew!  Could that be a story?

I brought in those eggs and carefully created a photo vignette.  Yes!  There IS a story! Beautiful eggs, laid by my wonderful hens with a total disregard for the snow!  We had just moved some furniture around, and these vintage trays I found at the thrift store were on top of a low side table.  Blogger lady photo of pretty chicken eggs on vintage trays while the snow flies outside.  Sweet!

Not a great photo, but oh, the eggs are so pretty!

Not a great photo, but the eggs are so pretty!  Thank you hens!

Could it be better than this?  Oh, yeah, it gets better.

After I took the photos, I went back to my Monday full of laundry and cleaning and bill paying and tax preparation. Ugh.  Soon Very Excellent Husband Don came home and cocktails were made.  Life was getting better.  Until I looked over at the table.  The low side table.  Where I left the eggs.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Whoa!  Where did the eggs go?

Whoa! Where did the eggs go?


Apparently not.

Are you kidding me????

Apparently not.

Apparently not.

Good. Grief.

Good. Grief.

Now, I know we all get a little stir crazy when it snows.  And to her credit, I DO give her all the cracked eggs.  But we really needed to sit down and have a little talk.

Why are you looking at me?

Why are you looking at me?

No REALLY, why are you LOOKING AT ME?

No REALLY, why are you LOOKING AT ME?

Oh.  The eggs?  Yeah, that was me.

Oh. The eggs? Yeah, that was me.  Sorry.  But hey, they were RIGHT THERE!  What were you thinking?

Just sayin’, these photos were taken in the exact order as seen here.  I could not make this stuff up if I tried.

(Shared at Clever Chicks HopHomestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection, Tuesdays With A TwistMaple Hill HopDown Home Hop, Homeacre HopSimple Lives ThursdayFrugal Days Sustainable Ways, Farmgirl Friday and From the Farm Hop!)


  1. Some days I can’t find anything to really write about either. I guess the eggs have to go right up 🙂

    Linda recently posted…The Golden Corral for Cows — January 28, 2014

  2. Love this! I often think it would be very interesting to set up a camcorder to see exactly what our pets get up to when they’re home alone! Thanks for sharing – I didn’t find it at all boring! 🙂

  3. Any orange or blue eggs being laid? Are they Bronco fans?

  4. Oh Keeler. Can you believe that! Yes you can! nothing more to say – apart from don’t leave them out there, innocent Keeler couldn’t be blamed really! so funny!
    Carol Caldwell recently posted…Amber and Honey have a major dust up

  5. Oh my gosh how did I miss this post the other day??!! I know how you feel about finding a story when things on the ranch are quiet. I LOVE the photos of Keala enjoying her snacks. I can SO relate to that, having similar experiences over here with Jack. His new trick is to sneak into the coop and pull the eggs from the nesting box for a snackie treat, ugh. Oh and recently he ate an entire platter of chocolate cake balls… The platter was full then it wasn’t… He even licked the darn thing clean. I know.
    Jen recently posted…Looks Who’s Braying….

  6. Sometimes I don’t mind the mischief so much, because I LOVE the guilty face 🙂

  7. Ha! That lil’ stinker! Can’t say as I blame her though. I think the snow looks magical-but maybe that’s ’cause I don’t have to shovel it. ;0) Thanks for stopping by The Maple Hill Hop!
    daisy recently posted…The Maple Hill Hop 16

  8. Ruh-Roh Keela…BUSTED!! 😉
    I once put my eggs on the ground out by the henhouse for a minute and was going to come back and pick them up, well Buddy Dog said “Gee thanks for the eggs mom!” LOL!!
    Candy C. recently posted…Quilt Progress

  9. Sometimes everyday life just isn’t all that blog worthy is it? You cracked me up with this though from the beginning to the end. Eve the Christmas lights. Thanks for sharing with us at The HomeAcre Hop!

    Please join us again Thursday at:

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