The day started out great. I finished replacing the fence in the back of the barnyard, because Escape Artist Sammy The Goat got out twice in three days. I think there’s a goat rule that once a perimeter is breached, it will continue to be breached until drastic measures are taken.
Doink and Brandy, always helpful, were back there with me making the job take twice as long as it should have. That’s a bonus, if you ask me.

Sweet, yes. A help…not so much.

No signs of any problems. None.
In the early afternoon I headed out to deliver treats before I ran some errands. Everyone ran to their designated treat spots.
Except Doink. He did not move from his bed. I ran around into the shed and waved the treat in his face. He barely flinched.
The vet was called. Questions were asked and answered. As usual, I have two choices. Try and get him into my car and drive an hour to the vet hospital, or wait it out. Two bad choices.
He eventually got up, went out into the barnyard and did his business (a good sign). Very Excellent Husband Don tossed popcorn, one of his favorite treats, right in front of his face. He let the chickens steal it and went straight back to bed, where he is now. I’ve been trying to get him to drink water by using a waterbottle to squirt it into his mouth. He hates it and protests, which I take as a good sign as well.
Send him some good vibes, please.

Get up, big man. Please get up.
Awwww….poor guy! Hang in there!
We love you, Doink. Prayers coming your way, fellow.
Doink, buddy, sleep tight and wake up better. Okay?
Sending the good vibes, come on Doink, we are all routing for you. Get better soon.
Carol Caldwell recently posted…The current bedtime routine
Sending prayers and good wishes your way, Doink.
He needs his blanky. Feel better soon, Doink! Hugggggs.
Sending good vibes, all the way from Maine!
warm thots from here, too. I have only tiny livestock – 5 kitties – but it’s the same when one of them is off. suz in NE ohio
Do you suppose maybe giving him a probiotic paste or maybe organic plain yogurt would help? Just wondering. I always give that to any of my Alpacas along with Thiamine to get them back on track and I find that nine out of ten times it works well. I know nothing about pigs, so I can’t really give any advice. I’m sure you have a good vet who could help if needed to answer any questions. Doink is so cute and when I get emails in my email box I enjoy them so. It’s nice to know there are others who appreciate their animals the way we do. They do bring a lot of laughs and enjoyment as well as companionship. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us all. Hope Doink gets well soon.
Thanks so much for the ideas, Lisa. I do have a great vet hospital an hour away with one drawback – they don’t do sick animal visits. For pigs hydration is very important, so they recommended watermelon (one of his favorites) just to get some fluid into him. I took them a fecal sample today, initial results were good in that there were no red flags. More results tomorrow. Yogurt is going to be our second line of treatment after we get him hydrated. Again, thanks. He’s got a lot of people pulling for him 🙂
Sending good thoughts, Doink and big hugs……feel better soon !!
Hope he’s ok! Sweet little guy…
Nancy @ Little Homestead in Boise recently posted…Mary’s Amazing Apple Cake! More Smoke and Fires, Organic Local Veggies, Feathered Visitor
Oh no! I’ve been away from computers for a looong time and came to catch up when I see my favourite pig in the world is not well. Poor Doink. Sending him from me, my chickens and my dogs all the positive vibes possible, across the Atlantic and all the way from me to you. <3
Thanks Cath! The good vibe seem to be working. He’s not himself yet, but he is better!
Hooray! I am so glad to hear this. I have been thinking about him!!
Deb Matlock recently posted…Blog Subscription Now Available
I hope he feels better. Sending good thoughts his way!
Sending healing energy your way, big guy! Blessings be…
daisy recently posted…Seed to Table Series-Parsley
How is Doink doing?