Doink and Brandy – A Kind of Love Story

Hello!  Do you have treats?  What do you mean by "you can't get in the gate...again?"    Do you have treats?

Hello! Do you have treats? What do you mean by, “I can’t get in the gate…again?” Oh, do you have treats?

I went out to the barnyard today to get things ready for the approaching snowstorm.  As usual, when I approached the gate everyone gathered round, making it next to impossible to gain entry.

I started my chores and the chickens quickly wandered off in all directions. As is the routine, Brandy followed me around and Doink followed Brandy, within steps of each other.  They almost always are.

Doink the pig and Brandy the goat came to us in late April of last year when they were both close to celebrating their first birthdays.  They were born within a month of each other and raised together as pets.  I heard from a friend that their owners were downsizing and needed to re-home their “babies”.  (They really wanted Doink and Brandy to stay together.)

Baby Doink

Baby Doink

Baby Brandy

Baby Brandy

The first time I saw them.  Like I could say no to that awesomeness.

The first time I saw them. Like I could say no to that awesomeness.

I was on the phone in a New York minute.   We met at their farm and it took all of about five seconds for me to fall in love.  After much shed building and fence running (not to mention husband convincing) they were mine.

Keela did not know what to make of the new family members.

Keela didn’t know what to make of the new family members.

I have watched them daily for almost a year now.  I continue to be intrigued by their relationship.

Goat are, by nature, playful.  Pigs are, well, not.  Goats like to jump around and nuzzle and head butt each other.  Pigs (at least Doink) like eating and belly rubs.  Doink and Brandy are animals with very different personalities who have figured out how to make life work together. For the most part, they’re amazingly tender with each other.

Brandy is well aware Doink is a curmudgeon, but that doesn’t stop her from head butting him regularly – “Come on, let’s play!”  Doink will head butt her right back a couple of times then quickly tire of the game.

Ever the optimist, Brandy thinks maybe THIS time he'll want to play.

Ever the optimist, Brandy thinks maybe THIS time he’ll want to play.

Brandy always seems to be disappointed when the game ends so quickly. Doink will gently rub his big (usually dirty) snout along her side as if to say, “Sweetie, I’m just not in the mood.”


A quiet moment.

I haven’t figured out if they don’t know one is a pig and one is a goat, or if they simply don’t care.  Whatever.  We called it early on.  It’s great to watch them be…poats.



(Shared at the Clever Chicks Blog HopHomestead Barn HopYou’re Gonna Love It TuesdayBackyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog HopHomeAcre HopFarm Girl Blog FestThe Farmgirl Friday Blog HopOle’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post and TALU Tuesday!)


  1. I’d like to say quick word about the friend that hooked you up with Doink and Brandy. She’s the same friend that hooked me up with my doxie, Friedl. So, if you live in Boulder and know our friend, Elaine, WATCH OUT.
    Nancy recently posted…The Eyes Have It

  2. What a cute story and a sweet relationship they seem to have. I love that you were able to keep them together.
    A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…Cake Pop’s !!!

    • I can’t imagine them being separated. It’s snowing like crazy outside and when I went to check on them they were snuggled up like puppies. So sweet!

  3. That’s so awesome! They don’t care about being different, people need to take a lesson in that respect!
    Karen Hug-Nagy recently posted…Rocking The Mothership!

  4. I love stories like this! After having pigs and goats for years and years I so understand!

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨) (¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥♥´¨
    Linda recently posted…The Way It Was Thursday–Blachly’s Widow

  5. This is so cute! I love reading about unlikely animal friendships. I’m so glad you were able to give them a good home and they were able to stay together. No one should ever tear them apart! 🙂
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Kale Millet Salad

  6. What a cute story! I think we could all learn a lesson from these inter-species relationships!
    Leisa @ Day by Day recently posted…Pantone Spring

  7. I love this post! We just went to visit a friend and her pet pig Holly and I had no idea how smart pigs are of course hers is a miniature pig bred to be a pet not bacon and she was adorable. I then found out that she gets along with the dog and I am like wow I did not know that much about pigs! I am so glad you linked this post up to “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” blog hop this week!

  8. What a great pair and wonderful relationship. It must be so fun to watch!
    Gretchen recently posted…Doing Less By Doing More

    • It IS fun to watch. I think the most amazing part is they both have good days and bad days. And they accommodate each other through it all.

  9. Awww, they look like BFFs! So cute!

    Thanks for sharing at the Farm Girl Blog Fest #22!

    ~Kristi@Let This Mind Be in You
    Kristi @Let This Mind Be in You recently posted…Farm Girl Blog Fest #22

  10. Awww, that’s so sweet! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!
    Lisa Lynn recently posted…Let’s Party!

  11. Sounds like this relationship should turn into some sort of Disney movie or a children’s book or something. 🙂 [#TALU]
    Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe recently posted…Faux Timpano di Maccheroni: A Marx Foods Challenge