Mostly Human

Here's where the voices inside my head get to say what's on their minds!

Eggs, Beautiful Eggs

I'm working on some ideas for artwork that uses eggshells.  More on that in the future. For now, this is my current favorite egg photo. … [Read more...]

The Love of Chores

I only have one regret about getting chickens and a goat and a pig and building a coop and a run and a goat shed and taking half the backyard to make a barnyard. I really wish I had done it twenty years earlier. I love everything about it.  Some of the love is obvious - it's easy to love a baby chick and the soft gaze of a goat.  It's fun to sit in the backyard with a drink and watch … [Read more...]

Introducing The Chicken Mama

So here you are at my new blog...The Chicken Mama. You might know me from Just The Right Things.  My business/writing partner Nancy and I have been blogging there since October of 2009. Our first post is here.  Great idea, right? Over the past three plus years, Nancy has been staying on task and writing about exactly what we set out to write about...two women in search of things that make … [Read more...]