Happy New Year, everyone! I've got no intentions/goals/resolutions to share. Just a few pics from the barnyard. The animals were in rare form recently and as usual had a lot to say. Think of it as their little New Year's gift to you :-) So from our barnyard to you... And... (Shared at Simple Lives Thursday, HomeAcre Hop, Homestead … [Read more...]
Doink and The Goats
Doink the pig and Brandy the goat were raised together from birth and came to Happy Mama Acre in 2012. We're pretty sure they don't know they're not the same species. Doink is our resident curmudgeon/comedian. For this we are eternally grateful. We affectionately refer to them as "the poats".
Jessie arrived at the barnyard a year later. I thought Brandy would appreciate a playmate. I was wrong. A year later, I got Sammy and Kenny. Because you can never have enough goats!
The BEST Thing Happened
I'm giddy. I'm walking on air. I'm bubbling over with joy. I had superheroes arrive in the barnyard yesterday in the form of three veterinarians. Three wonderful, highly skilled, engaging, informative vets. Two hours after they arrived, Doink had a beautiful pedicure, clean ears, and no tusks. All done with ease, lack of fuss, and virtually no stress - for me or Doink. HOW AWESOME IS … [Read more...]
One Word. Heartbroken.
Sometimes it really feels like the universe is playing pile on. Now is one of those times for me. For a month we have had one sucky thing after another happen. Big life-changing ones and little nagging ones. Before yesterday, they were exhausting and a little scary. Today, I'm really knocked off my foundation. I am beyond sad to say that my sweet little goat Pumpkin is no longer with … [Read more...]
The Chicken Mama On Vacation
I'm gonna be out for a week. I'm on the beach. Recharging my batteries. Regardless of the fun, I still miss the barnyard animals. So we created Doink out of sand. Thank you Beth and Libby. They got his head just right, don't ya think? See ya next week! … [Read more...]
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