Yep. You read that right. We recently laid sod in the barnyard. How ridiculous is that? But my Excellent Friend Nancy was giving away some and I had bare places in the barnyard where I wanted grass. Match made in heaven. For a while, I've had this dream of re-seeding some of those bare areas, but when I thought it through—something I don't usually do— of course the chickens would eat all … [Read more...]
Doink and The Goats
Doink the pig and Brandy the goat were raised together from birth and came to Happy Mama Acre in 2012. We're pretty sure they don't know they're not the same species. Doink is our resident curmudgeon/comedian. For this we are eternally grateful. We affectionately refer to them as "the poats".
Jessie arrived at the barnyard a year later. I thought Brandy would appreciate a playmate. I was wrong. A year later, I got Sammy and Kenny. Because you can never have enough goats!
Laying Sod In The Barnyard
The Day The Alpaca Shearer Came

So here I am, trying to ride this bicycle of a blog again. Why does it seem so hard to do? I'm gonna say that since I now devote 30+ hours a week to a job is maybe, just maybe, the answer. My quiet time in the morning, curled up in my happy place on the couch typing away, is simply not available anymore. I'm aiming for one post a month, with a daily photo on Facebook and Instagram. Follow me … [Read more...]
Mum’s The Word

I think this has been the longest I've gone without writing about the animals since I started this blog. What a nutty couple of weeks it has been. The job is crazy good, Very Excellent Husband Don gave me his very unexcellent cold that rendered me wholly unproductive. We've had a warm spell of weather that has been glorious. The wind has been blowing and blowing and blowing. That's a mixed … [Read more...]
After The Storm

Ah, Colorado in winter. This past Saturday Very Excellent Husband Don and I were trying out a new restaurant—sitting outside on the patio, rolling our sleeves up it was so warm and squinting in the bright January sun. Then yesterday, we woke up to this. In the olden days (pre-barnyard) this would mean enjoying an extra cup of hot tea while gazing through the window at the beautiful … [Read more...]
Just Another Day In The Barnyard

Sometimes, not much goes on around here. As usual, I've been taking my camera out into the barnyard to capture a story, but one didn't really materialize last week. I'd go out, the animals would clamor for treats, then wander off and do their own thing again. Frankly, kinda boring. But me? I love it. Here's what got to see in one uneventful afternoon... Tia likes to be up close and … [Read more...]
Feeding Time Frenzy…And A Good Friend

It has been an icy cold, gray week here. Ugh. It snowed over Thanksgiving (we had a great time with family and friends, hope you did too!) and it has barely been above freezing in days. I've been hauling warm water out to thaw the water buckets multiple times a day. Even though one of the buckets is heated, it still freezes over during single digit nights. Mostly, I love going out and … [Read more...]
Last Tomato, First Snow

On Tuesday, I sat down on the patio in the blinding sunshine, all by myself, and ate the last homegrown tomato of the year. I ate it on a big slab of toasted ciabatta bread from Moxie, a new bread place down the road that has THE BEST BREAD EVER. It was slathered in olive oil and dusted with salt and pepper. It was unfortunately just a good, not a great, tomato. I think I should have eaten … [Read more...]
A Beautiful Fall Day

As soon as I went outside to feed the animals, I knew it was going to be a special morning. The light was gorgeous. The leaves were starting to fall in earnest from the big elm that shades the barnyard and the goats were already out and strolling around, licking up the leaves one by one. Tia and Junie B. were snoozing in the shed, but hopped up and watched as I opened the coop doors. Then I … [Read more...]
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