Doink Tells A Chicken Joke

Ah, we are so, so grateful to see more sunny skies and warm temps around here!  We've still got snow on the ground, but our spirits continue to move upward. Out in the barnyard yesterday it felt like a happy hour of sorts.  The four-legged animals were shaking off their winter stoicism and warming up to each other's company again. Doink told a joke. It went right over Jessie's … [Read more...]

Spring Craziness

There's lots of different ways people know spring is in the air.  Around here, it's when Lucy leaves the warmth of the other chickens in the coop and returns to where she prefers to sleep—the goat shed. And that's exactly where I found her when I went to lock everyone up for the evening.  Spring is coming! Then today, I went out to open up the coops and EVERYONE came spilling out.  Usually, the … [Read more...]

It’s Funny Photo Day

Around here, there's a very deep blanket of snow on the ground and more is forecast for the NEXT FIVE DAYS.  Of course, it is February in Colorado, so what should I expect? Actually, we usually get a big dump of snow followed by days of beautiful sunshine.  So I guess that's what I expect.  I'm trying not to be cranky, but I AM CRANKY and not very pleasant to be around. To lighten my mood, I … [Read more...]

Doink Is Not A Morning Pig

Oh, mornings.  They're not easy.  I slog out of bed, have two espressos, a cup of hot tea and check my e-mail from the comfort of the couch.  Once the sun is up, I head out to feed the animals.  By this time I've been up for a while.  I've shaken the cobwebs out of my brain. Mornings for Doink are another matter.  His stomach wakes up the second he hears the back door open.  His brain, however, … [Read more...]

Quiet Afternoons With Jasmine

There's nothing I like more than sitting in the barnyard and observing my animal family. After a while I completely forget they're animals.  They're each so different, so individual, so special. Jasmine has gotten my attention lately.  She's a three-year old Black Copper Maran, sister to Belle and Rapunzel.  With ebony feathers, brown eyes and vivid red combs, they are a handsome trio.  For a … [Read more...]

Napoleon’s Frostbite Story

Recently, the mood started changing around here.  The animals and I have less of that "we're hunkering down" look.  We've made it through the worst part of winter, and we're starting to think about spring.  The blogs I read are chock full of people going through seed catalogues. Some are already starting their seeds indoors. We're not quite that far along around here.  There's lots of snow in … [Read more...]

Doink Has A Boo Boo

If you follow me on Facebook, (You do, don't you?  Please?) you'll know Mr. Doinkers somehow injured himself. He got a booboo.  An owie.  And I can tell you, when the pig ain't happy, nobody's happy. Especially me. Last week he started limping.  Dramatically.  Not walking on his front left foot.  There was no visible injury.  It's very hard to watch a pig limp and I could tell he … [Read more...]

Ten Reasons I Love My Pig Doink

In an attempt not to drown in photos, I've been trying to make sense of my iPhoto library. I've divided it in two, so now I have a library full of photos of humans and one full of photos of animals.  The animal library is twice as big as the human one.  I think that's because digital cameras weren't invented when the kids were young.  I may be kidding myself. In sifting through the thousands of … [Read more...]