When The Fox Comes Calling

For our little family, the next two weeks are CRAMMED FULL OF GOOD STUFF.  Excellent Son Cameron is having a birthday AND graduating from college (YIPPEE!), we are throwing a huge party for the graduation at our house, favorite cousins Beth and Fayne are coming to join in the fun, Excellent Daughter Libby is moving back to Colorado (YES!), we're heading down to Durango to help her move and see … [Read more...]

Tag—You’re It!

A few weeks ago I watched Jessie and Sambuca play a rousing game of tag in the barnyard. Just another day in the barnyard.  Wouldn't it be fun to be a goat? Happy weekend, y'all! **Shared at From the Farm, HomeAcre Hop, Homestead Hop and Thank Goodness It's Monday** … [Read more...]

Sambuca the Rasta Goat

We're plugging away around here. In a good way.  There's so much to do in spring—my garden beds were yelling at me to come plant something RIGHT NOW!  So I planted.  Now those tiny seeds are covered with a wet, wet spring snow.  They should be popping out when the sun starts shining next week, right? Or not.  I'm a horrible gardener, but I'm trying :-) I'm also crazy busy with my ongoing … [Read more...]

Fun With Milk—Making Butter and Cheese

I recently purchase a herd share from a local farmer.  Here in Colorado, that's how raw milk can change hands.  The sale of raw milk is illegal, but if I buy a herd share, then pay my monthly "boarding" fees, I get raw milk from my "share" of the herd.  It must take lawmakers a lot of time to come up with something that convoluted, but hey, I'm getting my milk.  From happy cows.  With names.  I'm … [Read more...]

Stop Already!

I really have no idea what I did in a previous life...but I APOLOGIZE ALREADY! Yesterday when I out for morning feeding, Lucy—the very best hen in the world—was already in the hay feeder looking like she was waiting to lay her egg. This is unusual, because she typically runs to greet me and follows me around as I open up the coops. I didn't think too much of it until I went to clean her roost … [Read more...]

Sometimes The Journey Sucks

When I wrote last week's post about Jasmine and Big Man, I had no, no, no idea that I would be writing this one. I killed Big Man and Little Man yesterday. I killed them because my neighbor who complains about everything complained about the roosters crowing. This, in a neighborhood that allows roosters and all other manner of farm animals.  She came over and threatened a lawsuit.  I do not … [Read more...]

Pure And Simple Sweetness

We're at DEFCON 3 in the barnyard. With the foxes and the hawks and lord knows what else hanging around, the neighborhood dogs are sounding their warning barks more and more frequently.  Keela's bark and posture are VERY specific when it comes to predators.  I call it her "Danger, Will Robinson!" look. I believe the other animals understand and are taking heed.  The chickens seem to be … [Read more...]

Hawk Stalks the Barnyard

Our neighborhood hawk came calling again.  I haven't seen him since he first visited in October and the protective skills of a certain young rooster became apparent. (If you read that post, I changed Middle Man's name to Big Man because of his excellent performance that day :-) ) From the house, I heard Big Man give a bloodcurdling scream and caught a glimpse of everyone running for cover. I … [Read more...]