The Dog Days of Summer

Oh, it's hot outside folks.  It's really hot.  Me, I'm happy.   Most humans I know, not so much. Even though I love the heat, I would trade our current stretch of 90 plus degree days for something cooler - the animals are just plain wilted. I've got the fan going in the goat shed.  The cooling heads of cabbage and lettuce are hanging in the chicken run for afternoon snacking.  I'm … [Read more...]

Lucy The Crazy Hen

So, if you've liked The Chicken Mama on Facebook, you know that I've got a renegade chicken in the flock.  It's Lucy, my 6 month old White Leghorn, sister to Ethel. A few nights ago, on my end-of-the-evening check at about 9pm, the head count in the coop revealed a chicken was missing.  I knew it was either Lucy or Ethel, but in my rush to search for the missing hen, I didn't spend too much … [Read more...]

I’m Baaack!

Well, it was quite the week working the Denver County Fair! I'm still decompressing and wrapping up loose ends, but I've now got all the extra paper (I think I killed a whole forest with the paperwork) recycled and the rest filed.  There's a nice neat pile of extra supplies ready to take to storage.  A few more e-mails, finalizing the expense report, debriefing meetings with bosses and crew and … [Read more...]

What’s In A Name?

I've been thinking about, and tinkering with, names lately.  When I can't sleep at 4am, my mind has lots of time to roam.  (My ability to sleep somehow has gotten worse over the past year.  That's kinda like a bald guy losing more hair.  But I digress.) I listen to the BBC overnight when I can't sleep, so I've gotten more information than I wanted on the new baby prince.  That poor kid had no … [Read more...]

Partners in Crime

Here at Happy Mama Acre, we are tired.  We need a nap. Lots of great things going on, but it's all happening at the same time and I'm having a hard time keeping up. I'm working a big job (Competitions Director for the Denver County Fair) that will definitely be the focus of my life for the next month.  Posts may drop off, but I swear I'll be back and ready to share in … [Read more...]

My Gardening Confession

My name is Joan, and I'm a gardening failure. There.  I've said it. Do you think less of me now?  Lordy, I hope not. I try and I try, and hope springs eternal every March, but I simply cannot find the gardening love. This year was going to be different!  Even though I professed my previous gardening failures, I jumped in with both feet and made a hoop cold frame and got seeds in the … [Read more...]

A Goat By Any Other Name

First, an update.  We're a little over a week with our beautiful new baby goat.  And things are getting better. Not as fast as I'd like, but then that's my ongoing lesson in patience. Amazingly enough, AFTER I decided Brandy needed a friend and I brought this little guy home, I remembered that Brandy had practically never seen another goat.  If I remember the story right, her mom died soon … [Read more...]

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

In the perfect world in my head, here's what I imagined I would be writing now: "We picked up our beautiful new baby goat in the late afternoon. By the time we got home the sky was aglow with a beautiful sunset.  We opened the barnyard gate and coaxed the little guy inside.  Brandy immediately came over, gave him a sniff then licked his head and proclaimed he was her little guy now.  She draped … [Read more...]