Hey everyone—Happy Fall! It's not my favorite season, but the weather has been glorious. However, even glorious fall weather gets cold and we've had our first hard freeze. I could have gotten out the blankets and plastic and sheets to try and keep the tomatoes going, but they were pretty much done. The night of the last presidential debate—no, you're not gonna hear about that from me—I was out … [Read more...]
Barnyard Jailbreak

Oh lordy it's been so long. Self-preservation on my end. I love writing about the animals so much but there's been no time to do it the way I want to. I've missed all of you. I'm back to give it another try :-) Everyone in the barnyard is doing well. I will soon write about trying to potty train the alpacas, the new chicks and surrounding drama, broody hens everywhere, the goings-on with … [Read more...]
Laying Sod In The Barnyard

Yep. You read that right. We recently laid sod in the barnyard. How ridiculous is that? But my Excellent Friend Nancy was giving away some and I had bare places in the barnyard where I wanted grass. Match made in heaven. For a while, I've had this dream of re-seeding some of those bare areas, but when I thought it through—something I don't usually do— of course the chickens would eat all … [Read more...]
The Day The Alpaca Shearer Came

So here I am, trying to ride this bicycle of a blog again. Why does it seem so hard to do? I'm gonna say that since I now devote 30+ hours a week to a job is maybe, just maybe, the answer. My quiet time in the morning, curled up in my happy place on the couch typing away, is simply not available anymore. I'm aiming for one post a month, with a daily photo on Facebook and Instagram. Follow me … [Read more...]

Sorry I've been gone for so long. Maybe you've missed the barnyard. No excuses from me except I haven't felt I've had the time to write something properly. But now, yesterday, Lucy died. She seemed fine on Friday. I was able to spend a lot of time in the barnyard, my favorite place in the world, hanging out with my good animal friends. Lucy was scratching and pecking like she didn't have a … [Read more...]
Mum’s The Word

I think this has been the longest I've gone without writing about the animals since I started this blog. What a nutty couple of weeks it has been. The job is crazy good, Very Excellent Husband Don gave me his very unexcellent cold that rendered me wholly unproductive. We've had a warm spell of weather that has been glorious. The wind has been blowing and blowing and blowing. That's a mixed … [Read more...]
After The Storm

Ah, Colorado in winter. This past Saturday Very Excellent Husband Don and I were trying out a new restaurant—sitting outside on the patio, rolling our sleeves up it was so warm and squinting in the bright January sun. Then yesterday, we woke up to this. In the olden days (pre-barnyard) this would mean enjoying an extra cup of hot tea while gazing through the window at the beautiful … [Read more...]
Change Is Good

Change is good? That is not something I say frequently. I am a stay-at-home, routine-lovin' girl. To my core. But I just got a new job, and I am thrilled. THRILLED, I say. I don't think opportunities like this come along very often, at least they haven't for me. In a nutshell, this gray-haired, middle-aged, left-brained organizer is now working for a group of young, right-brained creative … [Read more...]
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