This is mostly a story in pictures. I didn’t write my usual post on Sunday because I’ve been juggling too many balls and dropping a few. I couldn’t figure out why. But then it hit me on my tenth trip between my computer (I usually work in the kitchen) and my printer (in a back bedroom).
It’s summer. It’s finally, FINALLY HOT. I just wanted to be outside. So I got all my scanning and printing done and I made a new home office.
The barnyard animals were looking miserably hot, so before I got down to business, I moved the “pool” into the shade and filled it up.
Here’s what happened next….

“Look at her run! Oh man, we could see that coming and we’re just babies. That Louise is a few eggs short of a dozen!”

“Oh, Louise, ya know I love ya. Come on, let’s make a break for the shade way in the back. That pool is a stupid idea anyway.”
I obviously didn’t get a lot of work done. But I think we all, even Louise, had a lot of fun.
And by the way, thanks for visiting! If you haven’t already, I’d appreciate it if you’d “like” me on Facebook. You’ll get a quick daily post (only one!) on the continuing adventures at Happy Mama Acre. 🙂
(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection Hop, TALU Tuesday, Down Home Blog Hop, HomeAcre Hop, Little House Friday DIY Linky, From the Farm Blog Hop, and Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop!)
This is great – i hope you put your essays together into a book – :))
Wow – thanks Marc! I love telling the stories I hear out in the barnyard. 🙂
This is so cute! Love the photos and the captions. I bought a kiddie pool for my chickens last year but they never went in it!
Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…A Faithful Companion
I absolutely love how you write, you paint such wonderful stories! Love that you set up your desk outside too. Been thinking about you and hope all is well this week in your hood. CO fires are all over our news… Praying for all those who’ve been affected.
A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…It’s good to be Chancie…
We’re far away from the fires and don’t live in the wooded foothills where they mostly occur. Even so, our air is dense with smoke – can’t see our beautiful views today. It is heartbreaking that it’s happening again this year.
On a lighter note, thanks for the kind words! I’m lovin’ my outdoor office 🙂
Oh poor Louise but I do admire her willingness to give it a go.
Fiona @ Finding Fifth recently posted…Sunday Stash #66
She IS a brave, albeit no-so-smart, chicken!
I admit it, I’m in love with Doink. ♥
Kathy Shea Mormino, The Chicken Chick recently posted…Flock Focus Friday,First Weekly!
I love Doink. I think I need a pig like him. I liked you on FB both from my blog page and my personal profile. 🙂 I enjoy following. Thanks again for linking up to the HomeAcre Hop:
Jenny recently posted…Companion Planting