When I say a new path, I’m not getting all philosophical on you.
No, I literally mean A NEW PATH. The grass in the barnyard was so tall the animals weren’t walking through it. I kid you not. The goats would walk along the fence line, desperately trying to eat the tall grass on the other side of the fence, but not turn around and eat the same thing IN THEIR OWN SPACE. Go figure. They are very, very spoiled.
So Very Excellent Husband Don mowed a meandering path through the barnyard. And the animals were happy.
Elsewhere in the barnyard, second-time mama Jasmine is keeping a close-but-not-too-close eye on feisty Little One. This chick is very curious, sticking her beak in every nook and cranny.
She is brave, this Little One.
And there’s more good news! Belle, who is Jasmine’s sister, went broody last week. On July 4th, I gave her three eggs—one from Rapunzel (her other sister), one from Lucy (I want another Lucy!) and a pretty blue/green one from Scarlett.
But WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Looks like Aretha is broody, too. She has been acting odd for a few days, following the Little One around, hanging out in the nursery room for no apparent reason and generally giving everyone the evil eye. Then a couple of days ago she crammed her big old self right next to Belle, laid her own egg and has not moved. Aretha tried to be a mom once with little success. But hey, that was a long time ago and now I think she deserves a second chance. She will get to keep her own egg and give it a try.
I think—no, hope—I’ll need to add on to the nursery soon!
**Shared at From the Farm, Homestead Hop and Our Simple Homestead**
I Thought all the roosters were gone.
Two out of the three.
Joan Hobbs recently posted…A New Path…And Maybe More Chicks?
Lovely pictures – so green! It is nothing but brown here in Southern California so seeing your animals enjoying their lush surroundings is a welcome sight. I’m excited about your ‘hope to be a Mama’ hens – it means more cute pictures. Yeah!
Thanks! I just checked in with the two mama wannabes. Smushed together like two peas in a pod, they were. Four eggs somewhere underneath the both of them. I think this is gonna be fun
I miss not having my own chicks, never having had that. No roosters allowed here though and limited space…
Before I had roosters I got fertilized eggs locally for my broody hens. If you have a broody, maybe give her just one? I’m trying to hatch too many each year. It’s not easy.
So exciting! The little one is so beautiful…like her mom!
It’s all just too cute. Love the little chick on mum’s back.
Carol Caldwell recently posted…The back of our property
I have eleven month old baby chicks in the chicken yard. Last week two more hatched under my white Frizzle, Blanca. One was from a blue egg and the other from a brown egg, both are full sized chickens so it will be fun to watch mama and babies. I still have three more broody mamas. I had four but something got into the broody shed and knocked down the crate with the fourth broody hen in it. Broke all the eggs and the hens broody mood. Maybe later she will go broody again. I love watching all the babies running around growing up. I love the picture of the chick on moms back.
I love the babies too I’ve got two more broody mamas now, with four eggs between them! Good luck with your little ones!
Aw, cute pics. Animals are so silly, aren’t they? Love the baby pics! Can’t wait to hatch some out here at our new place.
Kristi Stone recently posted…The Cooling Off the Barn Saga, Part 2
Thanks Kristi! Good luck with hatching. So much fun watching the mamas and their babies
We’ve got our first broody hen going now, but I don’t think she’s going to be a very good mother. When she takes a break, she forgets where her eggs are. I love hearing about your good mother though! Can’t wait to hear if you get more chicks, thanks for sharing on the Homestead Blog hop!
Jennifer A recently posted…Friday Farm Day