I don’t know how old she is. I don’t know who clipped her beak. I don’t know what breed of chicken she is. I only know I love her.
Is it the change of seasons? Or the ongoing molting of the hens? Or Brandy’s diet crankiness? I haven’t been able to put my finger on it exactly, but it feels like there’s an imbalance in the barnyard now. Nothing dramatic or anything, just a slight dissonance in the overall tone of the place. Oh, and an almost total lack of eggs. Come on ladies – you can do better that that!
The sleeping arrangements change almost nightly with the hens. It’s like they can’t quite get comfortable. Most nights Lucy and Ethel are in the upper level of the goat shed. However they’re NEVER on the roost I made for them. Nope, they prefer the wall and gate. Haven’t once sat on the roost. I think I made it too narrow, or maybe, since they seemed to love being in the tree they just like being up high. Who knows?

Ethel on the wall, Lucy on the gate. (And yes, paint on the wall would be a plus. It’s on the to-do list.)
A few times Louise tried that roost, and then Belle gave it a shot a night or two, but it didn’t work for either of them. They both seem to be on the outs with the rest of the flock when nighttime comes. Belle is often in a nesting box in the coop overnight. Someone must be picking on her, but I don’t see any signs of it during the day.
Cleopatra, who seems to be in competition for the longest chicken molt ever, was in a nesting box last night. She exudes miserableness all day every day, like a teenage girl walking around all hunched over with hair hiding her eyes. Poor girl, she wants to be pretty again. Soon, sweetie. Soon.
Last week, Louise decided Sofia had the right idea, moved into the goat shed and took a nighttime spot snugged next to Doink. I frankly don’t care where they sleep as long as they’re happy and safe. Unfortunately, earlier this week on my evening rounds I found poor Sofia off to herself on the other side of the shed and Louise tucked in next to Doink looking pretty smug. I’m a tolerant Chicken Mama, but I will NOT have Sofia being shoved out of her spot.

Oh, poor Sofia in the corner all by herself. She’s scared to go snuggle with Doink. Action must be taken!
Last night I spent a bit of time watching and then finally, intervening. I picked up Sofia, told her that she has every right to sleep where she wants and moved her next to Doink.

Louise was making sounds that could be interpreted as sweet, yet Sofia edged away from her. I think she was telling Sofia to scram.
I made an extra check later in the evening. Sofia had settled in close to Doink but not too close to Louise. A truce, of sorts. I guess that will do for now.
(Shared at Clever Chicks Hop, Homesteaders Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Tuesdays With A Twist, Backyard Farming Connection, Down Home Hop, Simple Lives Thursday, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, Homeacre Hop, From the Farm Hop, Farmgirl Friday Hop and Little House Friday!)
Aw poor Sofia. My girls are in a hard molt right now too and oh boy are they sad looking. My poor Goldie girl looks pained so it’s extra protein and patience over here. Love how your girls want to snuggle with Doink, too cute! Your a great barnyard mama and I have no doubt all will be back to norm soon 🙂
Jen recently posted…The Great Oaks…
Almost the same thing is happening here too…hens molted, some got their beauty back quickly…but we are lucky if we get 6 eggs out of the 11 ladies in a week!!
Annie recently posted…Meet Olga,our Russian Tortoise
We recently changed up the roosts in the coop and it has been chaos every night with all the chickens trying to get situated! So much noise and shuffling going on. I hope they eventually get used to it. One thing I’ve learned is that chickens don’t like change one bit!
Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Homemade Living: Best Ever Pumpkin Bread
Fun story – thanks for sharing on Tuesdays with a Twist. It seems that there is a lot of shuffling and shoving in our coop in the evenings, even though we haven’t made any changes to the roost. I thought they would have regular spots on the roost, but they don’t.
Such a cute story! I can’t wait to have my own Sofia, Cleopatra, Lucy, Ethel and Belle next year. Except they will be named Melba, Phyllis and Beulah! I just hope my hens give me as much pleasure as yours give you! Your stories are very educational and chock full of information, whether you know it or not! When I read about molting and roosting, it gives me a good indication of “what is to come”, and I feel that I can handle it better after reading about it from you! Thank you so much!
Vickie recently posted…Irons in the Pot
I definitely think they want to roost on the highest thing they can find. We have not experienced molting yet. I am not looking forward to it next year or so. Thanks for sharing with us at The HomeAcre Harvest Hop!
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Summers Acres recently posted…The Good Neightbor Blog Hop #3